Results 1 - 10 of 16 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
This latest report, “Mainstreaming the SDGs in Business: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan”, includes the results of the 2018 survey as well as a survey specifically focused on diversity management, which is closely linked to SDG5 (gender equality and women's empowerment), SDG8 (decent work and economic growth) and SDG10 (reduced...
Book Chapter
In Asia-Pacific Landscape Transformations: Solutions for Sustainability
Key messages - Inherent complexity in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a barrier to their application to land management. A better conceptual understanding can guide governments and other actors in the Asia-Pacific region to develop a coherent view of how the SDGs apply to land. - Reorganisation of the SDGs and their targets related to...
Book Chapter
In Asia-Pacific Landscape Transformations: Solutions for Sustainability
Key messages -If current processes impacting land continue, the region risks transgressing the boundaries of a “safe operating space”. -A vision of sustainable landscapes can guide policymaking and administration from regional to local levels towards more effective cross-boundary management of interdependent ecosystems. -Priorities for sustainable...
Policy Report
一般社団法人 グローバル・コンパクト・ネットワーク・ジャパン(GCNJ)および公益財団法人 地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES=アイジェス)は、国連の「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」について、日本における企業の取組み実態に関する最新の調査結果をとりまとめた、SDGs日本企業調査レポート2018年度版「主流化に向かうSDGsとビジネス~日本における企業・団体の取組み現場から~」を2月28日(木)に発刊いたしました。 3年目となる今回のレポートでは、GCNJの会員企業・団体におけるSDGsの認知度・取組みに関する経年変化に加え、雇用・労働面におけるSDGsの取組みとして、ジェンダー平等の推進を中心とするダイバーシティ経営の現状と課題を考察しています。本レポートでは...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In かんきょう横浜
Commentary (Op. Ed)
- The APFSD has grown into a useful multi-stakeholder platform for sharing experiences and networking around sustainable development. - It is important to examine whether stakeholder engagement provides meaningful space for the stakeholders and whether it is built on the “minimum requirement” of protecting and respecting human rights. - Subregional...
Briefing Note
Integrative approaches to land management, such as ecosystems-based approaches and landscape approaches, together with sustainable infrastructure and the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, provide multiple benefits. By providing stakeholders with a means to work through competing interests over land and natural resources, while at...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
- The deliberations of the Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific provide a guide for what to look for from the Asia Pacific delegates during UNEA4. - During the Forum: Asia Pacific showed a strong interest in waste management and resource efficiency; the Forum’s discussions on innovation touched on technical, policy, and...
Briefing Note
Commissioned Report
Building on the country’s momentum in economic growth and poverty reduction over the last couple of decades and aspiring to graduate from the least developed country (LDC) status, Lao PDR has developed a well-balanced policy framework for embracing the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Being a least developed country with...