Results 1 - 10 of 17 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Damasa B.
Ronald C.
National monitoring of forests is essential for tracking progress towards various global environmental goals, including those of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement. Inconsistent national definitions of “forest”, however, can complicate the tracking of global progress towards achieving these goals. The FAO’s...
Research Report
Canesio D
Cossey K.
Mameek Winai
Although it is widely acknowledged that forests provide critical ecosystem services for human survival and well-being, in the Asia-Pacific region forests are being converted to other land uses and degraded at alarming rates. One underlying factor for this destruction of forests is market failure. Forests are cleared for other land uses or degraded...
Peer-reviewed Article
In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
A new method was developed for mapping forest, agricultural, and urban land cover using remote sensing imagery. It is designed to better detect small land cover objects (e.g. small forest or agricultural patches) and monitor their change (e.g. fine-scale deforestation) using freely-available satellite imagery.
Policy Brief
アジア太平洋地域の発展途上国で進んでいる森林減少の最大の要因は、違法かつ持続可能でない伐採である。違法伐採によって木材輸入国が安価な木材を大量に輸入できる一方で、輸出国の自然環境、森林の管理・経営(ガバナンス)、そして森林に依存して暮らしている人々の生活が犠牲になっている。木材輸入国においても発展途上国の適正な森林管理を促進する義務があることを認識して、現在多くの政府が合法で持続可能な木材の調達を支援する公共調達政策を導入している。これは、持続可能な開発を進める上で国際貿易を活用する極めて重要な一歩である。 本ポリシー・ブリーフは、日本、英国、オランダ及びフランスで実施されている木材公共調達政策を比較し、各国の手法の共通点と相違点を検証しながら...
Policy Brief
This policy brief includes a comparative analysis between Japan's public timber procurement policy and those of several European countries. In addition to identifying a set of elements that public timber procurement policies must include to favour legal and sustainable timber, it provides recommendations for further strengthening Japan's policy on...
Policy Report
This report presents the results of IGES research on public timber procurement policy to date. It includes a comparative analysis between Japan’s policy and those of several European countries. In addition to providing recommendations for further strengthening Japan’s policy, the report identifies a generic set of elements that public timber...
Policy Report
木材の公共調達政策に関する研究成果をまとめた本書では、日欧における政策の比較分析を行い、日本が合法性や持続可能性を満たした木材の調達を優先させるための提言に加え、効果的な調達政策が兼ね備えるべき要素を包括的に示している。 Remarks: English version is available at: If you wish to receive a hardcopy of the report, please contact [email protected].
Policy Brief
IGES Policy Brief
Partly due to the worldwide upsurge in industrial demand for timber, the number of planted forests has increased ten-fold in the last 20 years. These planted forests currently comprise only about 5% of the world’s forest area, but supply 35% of industrial logs and have critical roles to play in releasing pressure on natural forests, mitigating...
Policy Report
This study examines two major transitions in forest governance - decentralisation and state-sponsored (formal) community forestry - with respect to whether they are opening spaces for communities to contribute to sustainable forest management. Our main thesis is that there is a need for democratic decentralisation in order to effectively re-engage...