Results 1 - 10 of 18 (Sorted by date)
Book Chapter
In モルディブを知るための35章
As in many developing countries, waste management is one of the greatest challenges faced by the Maldives. The limited or unavailbility of waste collection services, proper treatment, and disposal systems on the islands often results in dumping household waste on the beach, ocean, and forests and also open burning of waste. These activities are...
Book Chapter
In Ketahanan Iklim Perkotaan (English: Urban Climate Resilience)
In Bahasa: Membangun Kota-kota rendah karbon di Indonesia memerlukan tiga faktor utama yang berkontribusi: membangun kapasitas, melibatkan pemangku kepentingan, dan memobilisasi sumber daya. Faktor-faktor tersebut tidak terpisah atau berbeda-beda namun saling tumpang tindih dan saling memperkuat satu sama lain. Sebagai ilustrasi, peningkatan...
Book Chapter
In Ketahanan Iklim Perkotaan (English: Urban Climate Resilience)
In Bahasa: Pengembangan skenario pembangunan rendah karbon dapat digunakan untuk membantu perencanaan jangka menengah dan jangka panjang sehingga membantu para pengambil kebijakan kota-kota besar agar dapat mengadopsi lebih awal mengenai cetak biru perencanaan. Proses perencanaan skenario pengurangan emisi di masa yang akan datang untuk skala kota...
Book Chapter
In SDGsと環境教育:地球資源制約の視座と持続可能な開発目標のための学び
Book Chapter
In The Economics of Waste Management in East Asia
This paper provides an overview of Thailand's national policy on municipal solid waste (MSW) management and recycling, which is aligned to the country's sufficiency economic policy and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle). It summarizes the current actual waste management and recycling scenario in the country, provides examples of local initiatives to...
Book Chapter
In Enabling Asia to Stabilise the Climate
Masui Toshihiko
Ashina Shuichi
Fujimori Shinichiro
Kainuma Mikiko
Book Chapter
In Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: From Agenda to Action
Education has a long history as an international priority, and the right to education was first enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Improving education and ensuring all people are afforded a high standard of education will be reaffirmed as a key global goal of development under the post-2015 development agenda. The...
Book Chapter
In Responsible Living:Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives, Editors: V. W. Thoresen; R. J. Didham; J. Klein & D. Doyle.
The pursuit of sustainable lifestyles is one that occurs simultaneously at individual, collective and societal levels. Education for sustainable development (ESD), and the offshoot education for sustainable lifestyles (ESL), has generally targeted individual learning and behaviour change. Although, there are several good examples of cooperative and...