Results 1 - 10 of 18 (Sorted by date)
Conference Proceeding
On 8 December 2023, the COP28 Japan Pavilion side event “Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN” was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), inviting ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives, youth, and a European research organisation, and had a panel discussion...
Conference Proceeding
持続可能なアジア太平洋に関する国際フォーラム(ISAP)2022 サマリーレポート
持続可能なアジア太平洋に関する国際フォーラム(International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific: ISAP)は、第一線で活躍する専門家、国際機関、政府、企業、NGO関係者が集い、アジア太平洋の持続可能な開発に関する多様な議論を行う場です。主催機関である(公財)地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)が関与している国際的なネットワークと協力しつつ、関係者間の情報共有の促進や連携強化を図ることを目的として、毎年、日本で開催しています。 2022年のISAPでは、「気候変動と生物多様性のシナジーを強化する:科学から政策、そして行動へ」をメインテーマに選びました。気候変動と生物多様性の損失は...
Conference Proceeding
International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP2022) Summary Report
The International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) is held annually to share information and facilitate diverse discussions on sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific, with the participation of front-line experts and diverse stakeholders from international organisations, governments, business and NGOs. The Forum has been...
Conference Proceeding
Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati (IIT-T)
These proceedings pertain to the JSPS-ICSSR seminar entitled ‘Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future’. Led by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the Indian Institute...
Conference Proceeding
Coastal communities are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change on the ocean, including depleted marine ecosystems, sea-level rise, and coastal hazards such as storm surges. These climate changerelated impacts have been experienced by Guimaras, a small island province located in Western Visayas, Philippines. IGES and PEMSEA...
Conference Proceeding
COP26 UNFCCC The 3rd Capacity-building Hub
Hosted by the PCCB, and with the support of the Capacity-building subdivision of the UNFCCC, the 3rd Capacity-building Hub took place over the course of six thematic days from 3 to 10 November 2021 at COP 26 in Glasgow. The outcomes of discussions in the 3rd Capacity-building Hub show considerable synergies and shared priorities across different...
Conference Proceeding
To facilitate a broader discussion on climate-fragility risks in Japan and reflect and discuss the findings of the G7 report and its implications and relevance for Japan, adelphi and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies jointly organised two expert workshops in June 2016. The first workshop took place on 14 June 2016 and brought...
Conference Proceeding
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum
Government officials from 21 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, along with development partners, met at the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum on September 15-16, 2014 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to promote regional cooperation and knowledge exchange on Strengthening Country Systems to Access and Manage Climate Change Adaptation Finance...