Results 1 - 10 of 70 (Sorted by date)
Book Chapter
In 地球白書2013-14
―行動と効果のギャップ ―変革の実現:過去、現在、そして未来 ―一段と広範な変革の実現
Book Chapter
In 地球白書2013-14
ー持続可能性への道筋と政治:目標の検討、市民の活動、ネットワークの構築、突発事態の機会としての活用 ー変革に向けて ーコラム:乾燥地ケニアにおける農業の多基準マッピング
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
A key but contentious aspect of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the means of implementation (MOI). Many developing countries emphasize the importance of international assistance while developed countries focus more on domestic financing and the private sector. The text of the SDGs includes a broad range of MOI. However, a discussion has...