Results 1 - 10 of 10 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development (JREAD)
This paper details the efforts made by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), under their Japan–India collaborative projects, to promote low carbon technologies (LCT) among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India. The empirical evidence gathered during the projects show that three...
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Building, Urban, Interior and Landscape Technology (BUILT)
The term of “Appropriate Technology (AT)”, introduced by Schumacher which refers to all kind of technologies including environmental technology, has been since developed into a global discourse on technology advancement and its impacts of implementation on human civilisation as seen from various perspectives. The technology could also relate to the...
Submission to Policy Process
This Work Plan provides comprehensive and up-to-date analysis on the status, challenges and opportunities of waste management in Medan City, including relevant regulations and policies, administrative structure, waste management cost, waste quality and quantity, waste collection, 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and final disposal. Based on such...
Submission to Policy Process
Pengelolaan sampah telah menjadi salah satu isu utama di banyak kota khususnya di negara-negara berkembang. Tempat-tempat pembuangan akhir dari limbah padat perkotaan merupakan sumber terbesar ketiga dari emisi metana antropogenik di dunia. Sementara itu, pembakaran sampah secara terbuka dan pembakaran bahan bakar yang tidak sempurna dari truk-truk...
Commissioned Report
This report summarized basic surveys and activities regarding; 1) Promotion of the low carbon and energy saving technology transfer in India, as well as enhancement of exchanges between Hyogo prefectural government (Japan) and Gujarat state (India) based on the MoU concluded in 2016 2) Approach and efforts for the establishment of Regional Circular...
Commissioned Report
本事業は、株式会社西原商事がインドネシア共和国スラバヤ市において実践し蓄積してきたリサイクル型中間処理施設及びコンポストセンターの設置・運営ノウハウを活用し、国営肥料会社(PT Pupuk Indonesia: PI)との長期契約を基に現地法人を設立して、バリクパパン市の最終処分場(TPA Manggar)内の20,000 m2の敷地において堆肥工場(処理能力:100トン/日程度の混合ゴミを想定)を建設し、市内の有機系廃棄物から堆肥を生産してPIの有機肥料製品として販売する事業について、実現可能性を調査・検討したものである。 この事業モデルの確立により、バリクパパン市が抱える廃棄物管理課題の解決、市の美化・緑化の推進、循環型都市形成の推進、雇用の創出等に資することも期待している。また...
Commissioned Report
This project has been designed to provide support for the formulation of the LCCAP based on a request from Davao City under C2C cooperation between Kitakyushu and Davao. Concrete mitigation measures are positioned in this action plan and the use of the financing programme for JCM model projects is being considered as a resource to implement...
Commissioned Report
パリ協定に掲げる今世紀後半に脱炭素社会(温室効果ガス排出量が正味ゼロの状態)を実現させるためには、経済成長が著しいアジアにおいて、持続可能な低炭素社会の構築に向けた動きを加速させることが必要である。近年、経済成長著しいアジアの都市では、急激な都市化により、資源やエネルギー消費量が増大し、交通量増加に伴う交通渋滞が頻発しており、生活や経済活動に伴う廃棄物、排水、排ガス、温室効果ガス(GHG)等の排出量が増加するなど、住民の生活環境の悪化を招いている。これらの都市の経済成長を維持しながら快適な生活環境を守っていくには、効率的な資源循環や省エネ施策を推進し、環境負荷を最小限に留める持続可能な都市形成にシフトしていかなければならない。 我が国は、開発途上国においてこのような取組を支援すべく...
Training or Learning Material
Cities contribute more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, low-carbon city development needs to be enhanced for achieving the “2 degree Celsius target” of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Appropriate policies and measures at both national and local levels need to be implemented for mobilizing...