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Book Chapter
 世界経済の成長センターとなってきた東アジアが様々なリスクにさらされています。緊張が高まる台湾海峡や朝鮮半島といった伝統的な安全保障リスクだけではありません。中国の台頭などによるパワーシフトと戦後の国際秩序の揺らぎが地政学的リスクを増大させ、「新冷戦」とも称される米中の大国間競争の影響が地域の経済や産業、科学技術、文化、教育など多方面に及び始めています。米ソの冷戦の最前線が欧州だったのに対し、「新冷戦」の最前線は東アジアだとの見方があります。  この地域の著しい技術革新や産業経済の発展自体も新たなリスクをもたらしています。人工知能(AI)などのデジタル技術の発展はさらなる経済成長のエンジンとなる一方、人々の想像を超えて、経済社会の在り方そのものを変える可能性があります...
Policy Report
ESCAP/North- East Asian Sub-regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation
This report analyses and compares the low carbon city policies and practices of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, with the goal of identifying sector-specific and city-specific good practices that may be instructive to researchers and policymakers in the wider NEA region. It examines key national-level carbon mitigation policies and sector...
Data or Tool
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
Working Paper
This paper goes through the three historical experiences of carbon taxation in France and provides a detailed overview of the past attempts and current challenges to effectively put a price on carbon. By analysing the characteristics of each case, it explains the reasons for failure and success in adopting such tax and tries to help the reader...
Policy Report
In 2005, IGES launched the consultation "The Asia-Pacific Consultations on Climate Regime Beyond 2012" to promote new and constructive thinking in the Asia-Pacific region on future actions against climate change beyond 2012, and to contribute to the shaping of a future climate regime that adequately reflects the concerns and developmental...
Discussion Paper
This paper examines the process to lead the adoption of the EU directive on establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in order to identify the reasons for Germany to agree on the adoption, despite of the expected friction caused by the shift from its existing national measures, especially voluntary...
Discussion Paper
Lee, Dong Kun
Kim, Eun Young
Since the population, vehicles, energy consumptions, economic activities are rising in the metropolitan area of Seoul, it is difficult for existing environmental policies and measures to mitigate air pollutions. To respond such challenges, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Republic of Korea (ROK) enacted the Special Act on Metropolitan Air...
Discussion Paper
Oh, Seung-Hwan
Although the Kyoto Protocol enters into force, the Republic of Korea (ROK) doesn't have any quantitative green house gas (GHG) reduction target as its commitment because of its status as a Non-Annex I party. However, the negotiation to formulate the new commitment for next round will start in COP-11 at the end of 2005. Apparently, the main agenda...
Policy Report