Former Staff (from Apr 1998 - Mar 2007 )
Results 1 to 10 of 16 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
Summary of the book "Asian Aspirations for Climate Regime Beyond 2012" (Report of the second round of "The Asia-Pacific Consultations on Climate Regime Beyond 2012" in 2006) in Japanese. 本報告書は、2006年11月にIGESが発行した「Asian Aspirations for Climate Regime Beyond 2012」の内容を抄訳したものである。本報告書では、まず、2012年以降の国際枠組みに対するアジア諸国の視点について紹介し、続いて、主要テーマであるエネルギー安全保障と持続可能な開発...
Policy Brief
1997年に採択された京都議定書は、先進工業各国毎に異なる温室効果ガスの排出抑制・削減義務を課し、第一約束期間中(2008〜12年)に先進工業国全体として温室効果ガスを1990年比で少なくとも5%削減することを目標として定めている。国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)事務局が、2006年5月にとりまとめた京都議定書目標達成に向けた進捗状況に関する報告書(FCCC/SBI/2006/INF.2)によると、議定書批准先進工業諸国の2003年の総排出量は、経済移行国で経済活動が停滞したため、1990年比で6.2%減少し、先進工業諸国全体での削減目標については達成できそうな見通しである。他方で、各国の状況を個別に見てみると、日本やEUの一部の国は、目標達成が危うい状 況にある。...
Policy Brief
The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, committed industrialised countries to accept legally-binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions collectively by an average of 5% below 1990 levels in the first commitment period from 2008 to 2012. According to the latest report by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)...
Policy Report
REQUEST FOR YOUR COMMENTS We would greatly appreciate it if you could kindly review this report and send us your comments at your earliest convenience at [email protected] or by Fax at +81-46-855-3809. Also please write to us if you are interested in collaborating with us on this initiative. We hope you enjoy reading our latest report and we look...
Policy Report
In 2005, IGES launched the consultation "The Asia-Pacific Consultations on Climate Regime Beyond 2012" to promote new and constructive thinking in the Asia-Pacific region on future actions against climate change beyond 2012, and to contribute to the shaping of a future climate regime that adequately reflects the concerns and developmental...
Discussion Paper
This paper examines the process to lead the adoption of the EU directive on establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in order to identify the reasons for Germany to agree on the adoption, despite of the expected friction caused by the shift from its existing national measures, especially voluntary...
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