Results 1 - 10 of 44 (Sorted by date)
TA 9993-THA: Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands
Highland agriculture is fraught with several challenges that are related to tough agroclimatic conditions, poor agricultural institutions and socio-economic conditions. Overlaid with these challenges is the rapid climate change that is projected in the highlands as the world highlands will experience more rapid warming than the rest of the world...
本プレゼンテーションは、2021年7月16日に開催された「気候変動ウェビナーシリーズ:カーボンプライシングの国内外の動向」の発表資料です。 途上国における動向として、世界銀行の市場メカニズム準備基金を通したチリ、メキシコ、南アフリカの取り組みを解説しています。
The presentation provides an overview of timber production and legality in Mexico, and explains necessary procedures and documents for the legal timber. Also it illustrates timber production processes and existing mechanisms to verify the legality in the country, while discussing potential risks.
Workshop for understanding the Project Cycle under the Joint Crediting Mechanism
Mr. Rocamora made a presentation explaining the extensive range of JCM stakeholders, the different steps involved in the JCM project development, and the basic roles of each stakeholder during each step. He also presented what is the purpose of each step, such as methodology, project design document (PDD) and monitoring report. He notably...
笹川平和財団汎アジア基金 オピニオンリーダー招聘プログラム 国際セミナー 持続可能な社会づくりのためのパートナシップ構築に向けて タイの廃棄物処理から見る社会連携の課題と可能性
2016年6月22日、笹川平和財団汎アジア基金 オピニオンリーダー招聘プログラム国際セミナー「持続可能な社会づくりのためのパートナシップ構築に向けて-タイの廃棄物処理から見る社会連携の課題と可能性」が開催され、パネル討論「持続的循環型社会に向けて - 日タイ市民社会連携に向けた展望」にて、堀田康彦 SCPエリアリーダーが、リサイクルを政策的に推進するという観点からの話題提供を行った。
13th Northeast Asian Academic Network
The presentation describes policy and regulation on waste management and recycling business in Thailand. A business model of Wongpanit is introduced as an outstanding business concerning environment, social and economic aspects. Later on, remaining challenges to increasing recycling rate in Thailand were analysed and policy recommendation is...