Results 1 - 10 of 14 (Sorted by date)
Conference Proceeding
Thematic Track 3: IGES Contributions to “Climate and SDGs Synergy” at the International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2022
Due to the overlapping nature of SDG and climate actions, a clearer understanding of the interlinkages is needed to integrate these two agendas. As these interlinkages are very specific to the local context, engaging with stakeholders can help design the integrated approach at the local level by considering the socio-economic and biophysical...
Conference Proceeding
On 11th of March 2014, fourteen participants gathered for a one-day intensive web-based workshop on Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) and Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles (SL) in Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. The workshop was originally intended to be a two-day workshop to be held in Bangkok; however, due to the political situation...
Conference Proceeding
阪神・淡路大震災15周年記念事業の一環として(財)地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)では、気候変動・地球環境と災害の発生が相互に大きな影響を与えているとの認識に立ち、日頃、環境や防災の分野に取り組まれている方々や一般の皆様に新たな視点を提供するという目的で、「気候変動・地球環境と災害」国際シンポジウムを開催致しました。パネルディスカッションにおいては、気候変動・地球環境と災害の相互影響に関し国内外の第一人者による活発な討議が交わされました。 Remarks: 2009年度IGES関西研究センター国際シンポジウム「気候変動、地球環境と災害」 日時: 平成22年1月15日(金) 13時30分~16時30分 場所: よみうり神戸ホール(神戸市中央区栄町通1-2-10読売神戸ビル2F) 主催: 兵庫県...
Conference Proceeding
Kitakyushu Initiative Workshop
In Surabaya City, Indonesia, household organic waste composting has been widely practiced in communities. The city government, through the support of several private companies and local NGOs, have adopted the Takakura method that utilises baskets for household composting. This methodology was developed by Pusdakota, a local NGO, in 2004, with...
Conference Proceeding
Contents: (1) State and the Community in Water management Case of the Damodar Valley Corporation, India by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (2) Rewarding Communities for Keeping Rivers Clearn? First Steps in a River Care Program in West Lambung-Indonesia by Rudy Harto Widodo, S. Suyanto et. al. (3) Consumers Education, Representation and Participation in...
Conference Proceeding
Solid waste is a critical issue for cities in Asia and the Pacific. With changes in lifestyles, the problems faced by cities have compounded, including an increase in both solid and hazardous waste, issues pertaining to landfill management, and recycling, among others. There is often a contrast between cities with different economic levels and...
Conference Proceeding
The fourth thematic seminar on industrial relocation, organised by UN/ESCAP, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, IGES, and Ho Chi Minh City, was held on 27-28 August in Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), which is engaged in industrial relocation and has made considerable progress in this area. Industrial relocation has been and continues to be...