Results 1 - 10 of 45 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
2014年11月12日、米中首脳会談後の共同声明において、米国と中国が、以下のような温室効果ガス(GHG)の排出削減目標を発表した。 o 米国:2025年までにGHG排出量を2005年比で26~28%削減 o 中国:2030年頃までに、なるべく早い時期にCO2排出量を頭打ち(ピークアウト); 一次エネルギー消費における非化石燃料の割合を2030年までに約20%  本稿では、米中の2020年以降の温暖化対策目標について、既存文献で示される両国の排出経路シナリオと比較することにより、目標の野心度についての評価を行った。評価するに当たり、気温上昇2℃未満抑制に向けた排出経路との整合性、及び目標達成のための追加的な努力の必要性、という二つの評価軸を用いた。前者は環境十全性の視点から評価であり...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
In 20 09, Japan pledged to reduce its GHG emissions by 25% from 1990 levels by 2020 (“ Copenhagen Pledge” ). The achievement of the target depended largely on a large expansion of nuclear power. However, this ambitious plan became unfeasible af er the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011. This paper conducted a comprehensive review of Japan’ s...
Working Paper
This report, jointly prepared by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan, and the Energy Research Institute (ERI), China, aims to identify concrete ways the latest research on national and global greenhouse gas (GHG) emission pathways could contribute to raising the ambition levels of INDCs toward the global 2°C target. The...
Working Paper
明日香 壽川
 本研究は、産業革命前からの地球温暖化を一定のレベルに抑制するための累積温室効果ガス(GHG)排出許容量である世界全体のカーボン・バジェットと、GHG排出削減努力の各国分担において広く参照される公平性基準に基づいた努力分担方法を用いて、日本に「公平」に割り当てられるカーボン・バジェットを算出した。同時に、日本について算出されたカーボン・バジェット内に排出量を抑えるための2100年までの例示的なGHG排出経路も明らかにし、本研究でのレファレンス・シナリオである日本の現行の中長期温暖化対策数値目標の下での累積GHG排出量およびGHG排出経路(Nationally Committed Amount:NCA)と比較した。  その結果、努力分担方法として、1)一人当たり排出量の収斂(CPE)、2...
Discussion Paper
This paper assessed Japan’s “fair” carbon budget consistent with the 2 °C target between 1990 and 2100 under three frequently referred effort-sharing approaches: Converging Per Capita Emissions (CPE); Common but Differentiated Convergence (CDC); and Greenhouse Development Rights (GDRs), as well as the consequent GHG emission pathways up to 2100 for...
Book Chapter
In Climate Change and Water Resources (Sangam Shrestha, Mukand S. Babel, Vishnu Prasad Pandey (Edt))
Climate change is already a prominent issue during water-related negotiations or discussions such as water forums, conferences, or dialogues. But the same cannot be claimed in the case of climate change negotiations, where water issues are encountered intermittently or find their space in ex-post discussions, directly or indirectly. However...
Policy Brief
POST2015/UNU-IAS Policy Brief
Yuto Kitamura
Eri Yamazaki,
Norichika Kanie
D. Brent Edwards Jr.
Naoya Abe
Andante Hadi Pandyaswargo
Casey Stevens
1.  In the development of the post-2015 development agenda, the water-education nexus offers opportunities for dealing with a variety of different sustainable development challenges including: inequity in education, disaster recovery, and local mobilization. 2.  In order to respond to water-related sustainability challenges, people worldwide need...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Carbon and Climate Law Review
Based upon the lessons from the current initiatives under the climate regime as well as relevant literature, this paper discuss specific steps and time frames that aim to add ex-ante clarity to nationally determined contributions to climate change mitigation and enhance their levels of ambition. The process proposed has three distinctive features...