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Book Chapter
In Sustainable Waste Management Challenges in Developing Countries
Myanmar, the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia, has been facing considerable challenges with the management of solid waste in the recent past because of increasing income and consumption patterns, urban growth, and lack of effective waste management policies, treatment, and disposal methods. Waste management is also a crosscutting issue...
Discussion Paper
Asia’s rapid urbanization and economic growth over the past few decades have resulted in an increasing number of social and environmental challenges. Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) stands out amongst these issues, as the waste itself is highly visible and prevalent, increasing environmental pollutions (land, air and water), climate change...
Technical Report
Star Anise which is normally used for spice, is now focused as material for anti-flu medicine. Star Anise is currently produced only in China and Vietnam but there is potential to plant in mountainous area in South East Asia. This report provides star anise international market information as spice and technical information for planting and...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
パーム油は、西アフリカ原産のアブラヤシの実を搾った油脂から作られる。日本で消費される植物油のうち菜種油についで2番目に多く消費され、国民一人当たり年に4~5リットル消費している(WWF 2015)。食用油、マーガリン・ショートニング、スナック菓子、化粧品、洗剤など幅広い用途に使用されている。また、ここ数年ではアブラヤシの種子からパーム核油を取り出した後の残ざん渣さであるパーム核殻が輸入され、国内のバイオマス発電で使用されるようになっている(滝沢 2015等)。よって、パーム油はその生産過程で生じる副産物も含めて、私たちにとって非常に身近な存在といえる。しかし、日本ではパーム油を使用する商品の原材料名には「植物油脂」と記載されるので、普段パーム油を消費しているという実感をもつのが難しく...
Data or Tool
Ecology Note – Towards Clean and Beautiful Capital City – is a supplementary material for primary school teachers who wish to introduce environmental education for the first time, or for those who want to enhance the scope of educational work in addition to what is already taught in the classrooms. The scope of environmental education is wide...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and Semarang City Government concluded an agreement to collaborate and support the implementation of City Resilience Strategy (CRS) on 24 May, 2016. IGES provides a total solution on actionable plans by conducting the following activities (Figure 1): 1) Developing low-carbon society scenarios...