Results 1 - 10 of 16 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In ECO: The Korean Journal of Environmental Sociology
From North Asia's "airpocalypses" to South Asia's water crisis, the signs that Asia needs to transition to more sustainable development models are as clear as they are compelling. There is also an equally compelling body of literature on how countries can transition to more sustainable development models. However, much of the sustainable...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
As a nation, we are becoming increasingly aware of our impact on the environment, particularly since Indonesia is the second richest country in the world in regards to biodiversity. Our lifestyle and consumption choices are putting pressure on the environment and natural resources, and it is crucial for our education system to address this reality...
Policy Report
Darwina Widjajanti
Stien J. Matakupan
Sebagai sebuah negara, kita makin menyadari dampak negatif tindakan manusia pada lingkungan, khususnya di Indonesia sebagai negara kedua terkaya di dunia dari segi keaneka-ragaman hayati yang sedang dalam ancaman serius. Gaya hidup kita dan pilihan konsumsi telah memberi tekanan pada lingkungan dan sumber daya alam, dan karenanya menjadi krusial...
Conference Proceeding
On 11th of March 2014, fourteen participants gathered for a one-day intensive web-based workshop on Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) and Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles (SL) in Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. The workshop was originally intended to be a two-day workshop to be held in Bangkok; however, due to the political situation...
Commissioned Report
インドネシアは二国間クレジット制度(JCM)署名国のひとつであり、2020年までに温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量を成り行きベース(BAU)比で26%削減(国際支援を受けた場合は41%削減)することを誓約している。目標値である26%の削減を達成するためには運輸部門における積極的な行動が必要となる。そのため日本のようなドナー国が次の点に注意することが重要となろう。(1)運輸部門事業を分析する際、26%・40%削減の目標値が達成可能か否かを確認する (2)JCMのような金融支援メカニズムが事業案の中でも有望なものに適用可能か否か。本報告書は大きく分けて4つのセクションから構成されており、その分析を進めている。 最初のセクション(前書き以降...