Results 1 - 9 of 9 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
In 2005, IGES launched the consultation "The Asia-Pacific Consultations on Climate Regime Beyond 2012" to promote new and constructive thinking in the Asia-Pacific region on future actions against climate change beyond 2012, and to contribute to the shaping of a future climate regime that adequately reflects the concerns and developmental...
Discussion Paper
Lee, Dong Kun
Kim, Eun Young
Since the population, vehicles, energy consumptions, economic activities are rising in the metropolitan area of Seoul, it is difficult for existing environmental policies and measures to mitigate air pollutions. To respond such challenges, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Republic of Korea (ROK) enacted the Special Act on Metropolitan Air...
Discussion Paper
Oh, Seung-Hwan
Although the Kyoto Protocol enters into force, the Republic of Korea (ROK) doesn't have any quantitative green house gas (GHG) reduction target as its commitment because of its status as a Non-Annex I party. However, the negotiation to formulate the new commitment for next round will start in COP-11 at the end of 2005. Apparently, the main agenda...
PR, Newsletter or Other
IGES has been announcing the top news on the environment in the Asia-Pacific region every year since 1998 in order to collect and organise information about environmental issues and policy trends in this region, and to report on how this region addresses environmental problems and how it works to create a sustainable society. For this year' s top...
PR, Newsletter or Other
はじめに 1 概観:2000 年アジア太平洋地域の環境に関する動向と課題 153KB 8 [アジア太平洋地域] 市村雅一(環境政策専門官、環境天然資源開発部、国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会(UN/ESCAP )) 12 1. アジア太平洋の環境と開発に関する大臣会議 (MCED 2000)の開催 2. アジア太平洋環境白書2000 の発行 3. アジア太平洋における環境上健全かつ持続可能な開発のための地域行動計画(RAP) 2001‐ 2005 の採択 4. クリーンな環境のための北九州イニシアチブの採択 5. 北東アジアにおける環境協力の推進 [アジア太平洋地域] S.タヒール・カドリ(アジア開発銀行(ADB )) 18 1. 東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN...