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Non Peer-reviewed Article
In グリーン・パワー
Non Peer-reviewed Article
This article was originally published in KOSMOS 7 (2020), a publication of the Expo '90 Foundation. This article discusses the need to redesign society to realise transformative change and to reconsider the relationship between humans and nature, which is considered to be a root cause of the pandemic of COVID-19. The Triple R Framework proposed by...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In Lampung Post
The published article is basically the author's opinion related to the current unprecedented event of severe urban flood that happened in Metro City, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Based on urban planning perspective, an analysis on the comprehensive problems focusing on urban drainage system and a view on possible solutions for the city government...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In SRIDジャーナル / Journal of the Societies of Researchers for International Development (SRID)
SDGs やパリ協定の実施へ向けて開発協力のあり方は大きな転換点にある。SDGs における目標間のトレードオフおよび両合意による大幅な低炭素化・資源効率性の向上という要請を踏まえ、途上国・新興国・先進国それぞれにおいてライフスタイルやビジネスモデルを含めた経済社会と生産・消費パターンの変革が求められている。本論説では、SDGs とパリ協定の達成へ向けた開発協力の今後の展望として、(1)指標の設計、(2)調整・統合された戦略・計画、(2)持続可能な都市やコミュニティのモデルプロジェクト実施、(4)戦略的持続可能性アセスメントの導入に関する4点を提言した。 The mode of the conventional development cooperation is at the turning...