Wei Chin (Shom) TEOH

Results 1 to 10 of 50 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
Approximately 140 countries have committed to achieving net zero emissions by the middle of the century under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. To attain this target, local governments can play a pivotal role in coordinating decarbonisation efforts across multiple sectors, in collaboration with citizens, companies, and...
Submission to Policy Process
この数か月のうちに、新型コロナウイルス感染症(以下、COVID-19)は、地域における健康上の危機から、世界においてすべてを覆い尽くす世界的大流行(パンデミック)・経済災害へと大きく変化した。COVID-19の感染は急速に広がり、世界のほぼすべての地域の人々の日常生活が大きな影響を受けている。このことは、地方から国、国際的に至るあらゆるレベルの政府が、現状への対策および将来への復興プログラムについて、分野と国境を越えて調整し協力する必要性を明らかにしている。 グローバルな持続可能性の確保はIGESのミッションの中核である。このためIGESは、国境を越え、また個別課題を越えた視点で、現状への対応と将来への復興に資するよう取り組んでいくこととしている。本ポジションペーパーでは...
Submission to Policy Process
In a few short months, COVID-19 has morphed from a dangerous regional health threat to an all-consuming global pandemic and economic disaster. COVID-19’s rapid spread has had far-reaching implications on the everyday lives of people in nearly all corners of the world, and underlines the need for governments at all levels to coordinate cross-cutting...
Commissioned Report
The ASEAN ESC Model Cities Programme was established in 2011 to promote the development of Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC) in ASEAN Member States (AMS). To achieve this broad objective, the programme conducted activities at the local, national and regional levels. In Year 3, a total of 15 Model Cities (including 9 new cities) in AMS...
Policy Report
The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 as one of the core frameworks driving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provided the impetus to design a new phase of the ASEAN ESC Model Cities programme which is aligned to the SDGs. From around 2016, many parties and experts have launched publications to inform cities...
Commissioned Report
This report is an annex of the main commission report on MOEJ's project for promotion of international cooperation to achieve SDGs in developing countries. This annex contains a report of the 9th EAS (East Asia Summit) High-level seminar on sustainable cities (HLS-SC) that was organised in March 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Commentary (Op. Ed)
In Southeast Asia, national governments are busy incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into national development policies. But while central mandates for implementing the goals are expected to eventually “trickle down” to cities, this process is being slowed by the comprehensive nature of the goals, requiring significant...
Commissioned Report
本業務は、アジア域内での環境協力の更なる促進を図るため、以下の5つを主要コンポーネントとし、これらの統合的実施を図り、CAIの幅広い普及と日本国の戦略的国際環境協力の推進に貢献することを目的とするものである。 1.アジアの都市における環境対策を強化するための概要調査、2.アジア諸国との各種会合支援及び調査業務、3.環境的に持続可能な都市(ESC)に関る調査等業務、4.アジア・太平洋島嶼国における環境問題の現状に係る調査業務、5.環境省が実施する取組に関する情報発信業務
Results 1 to 2 of 2 (Sorted by date)
Updated: October 2023

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About Sustainability… is a podcast presented by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, featuring IGES staff and guests having in-depth discussions about sustainability-related topics.