The ASEAN Climate Change Strategic Action Plan 2025-2030 Project

The ASEAN Climate Change Strategic Action Plan (ACCSAP) 2025-2030 serves as the roadmap for addressing climate change in ASEAN up to 2030. IGES contributed to the development of the “ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR)” in 2021, the first comprehensive report synthesising the current status of climate change across the ASEAN region. ACCSAP translates the high-priority actions identified in the ASCCR into specific regional activities, making it the integrated and strategic official action plan.

The ultimate goal of ACCSAP is sustainable development, solidarity, and peacebuilding, and it aligns with the ASEAN Community Vision 2045 (to be formulated by 2025) and the ASEAN Climate Vision 2050 (ASCCR Chapter 4).

The key objectives of climate action are primarily the following five:


  1. 1. Strengthening support for finance, technology, and capacity-building to enhance the synergies between adaptation and mitigation, thereby accelerating the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and sectoral roadmaps. This will particularly expedite actions that AMS undertake collectively.
  2. 2. Accelerating the implementation of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC) Action Plan 2019-2025 (AAP) and reviewing/evaluating its progress.
  3. 3. Integrating and coordinating ASEAN’s sector-specific and cross-sectoral plans related to climate change with various plans and activities carried out by ASEAN’s international development partners.
  4. 4. Establishing enabling conditions to facilitate a smooth transition towards the long-term ASEAN climate vision identified in the ASCCR, realising a resilient and net-zero ASEAN community.
  5. 5. Supporting the establishment of the ASEAN Climate Change Centre.

This special feature page will present updates on the progress of ACCSAP, including the status of NDC updates from ASEAN countries, Japanese translations of specific strategic documents, and information on related events.



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Project Overview

Project implementation periodAugust 2024~March 2026
Project implementation bodyASEAN Secretariat (proposer)
National research institutes in 10 ASEAN countries
Funding agencyJapan-ASEAN Integration Fund(JAIF)
Contact information regarding this projectACCSAP Secretariat
[email protected]


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