Results 1 - 10 of 16 (Sorted by date)
Policy Brief
Small forest enterprises are a feature of forestry in many tropical countries and could play an important role in supplying certified timber to Japan and other importer countries, particularly to niche markets. アジア太平洋地域では、多くの天然林の減少や劣化が複合的な要因により急速に進んでいる中で、持続可能な森林管理のあり方が模索されており、熱帯材の主要輸入国である日本でも、「国等による環境物品等の調達の推進等に関する法律」(グリーン購入法)に基づく基本方針を改訂...
Policy Report
This report consists of three main parts: 1) Recommendations for Sustainable Groundwater Management in Asian Cities, 2) Situation Analysis and 3) Summary of Case Studies. The first part highlights the recommendations for better groundwater management. The Remarks: Final Report: "Sustainable Groundwater Management in Asian Cities: A final report of...
Policy Brief
Many Asian cities have greatly relied on groundwater in the course of their development. Large populations and concentrations of industrial activity in urban areas intensified the stress on groundwater. Such stress has resulted in environmental problems, such as the drawdown of water tables, land subsidence and saltwater intrusion, which interfered...
Book Chapter
In shinrin kankyo 2006 sekai no shinrin wa ima
Remarks: 森林環境2006 世界の森林はいま 発行:(財)森林文化協会 発売:朝日新聞社
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
Forest policies that devolve forest-use rights to local people have undergone development over the past few years in Laos. As collaboration between local people and forestry officials is seen as indispensable to effective and sustainable local forest management, the objective of this study is to clarify the issues pertinent to the resolution of...