Results 1 - 10 of 11 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
The guidelines and recommendations for promoting local participation in forest management for Indonesia, Lao P.D.R. and Far East Russia, as the outcome of the second phase research (FY2001-FY2003) of the IGES Forest Conservation Project. This guidelines and recommendations consist of (i) village action guidelines (VAG) for villagers and other...
Policy Report
This report is one of the results of research conducted jointly by the Faculty of Forestry, the National University of Laos and the Forest Conservation Project, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (Japan) between September 2001 and March 2004. It aims to contribute towards developing effective village action guidelines (VAG), local...
Policy Report
Laos is a country in transition to a market economy, and specific features concerning the forestry sector there include (1) the development of mechanisms to implement a new legal system governing forestry, and (2) recent actions and trends in efforts to transfer the responsibility of forest management to the local people. The promotion of...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) monitors and collects information on environmental issues and policies in the Asia-Pacific region to report on the region's progress in these areas and on the development of a sustainable society. Since 1998, IGES has published an annual summary of major environmental news for the Asia...