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Discussion Paper
Tian Yanfang
Since the end of the 1990s, the Sino-Russian border regions have witnessed a dramatic, unprecedented increase in cross-border timber trade that has made Russia the largest log supplier for China's expanding wood industry sector. Driving factors include: severe constraints in China's domestic wood supplies, the availability of rich forest resources...
Policy Report
The guidelines and recommendations for promoting local participation in forest management for Indonesia, Lao P.D.R. and Far East Russia, as the outcome of the second phase research (FY2001-FY2003) of the IGES Forest Conservation Project. This guidelines and recommendations consist of (i) village action guidelines (VAG) for villagers and other...
Policy Report
The aim of this interim country report is to disseminate the results of the activities from the second fiscal year of the second phase, on the Russian Far East, and to provide the basis for discussions on developing guidelines and recommendations for participatory forest management. Under the former USSR, local people were separated from forest...
PR, Newsletter or Other
財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)では、アジア太平洋地域の環境問題や持続可能な社会の形成へ向けた動きを紹介することを目的として、環境問題と環境政策の動向を収集・整理し、1998年から毎年、アジア太平洋地域における環境重大ニュースとして公表している。2007年のアジアの環境重大ニュースでは、3機関、23カ国から合計125件のニュースを収集することができた。これらのニュースは、必ずしも各国や機関等の公式見解ではないが、環境分野の協力機関または各国研究者によって選定されたものであり、アジア太平洋地域における最近の環境問題を巡る基本的な動向をまとめることができたと考えている。 The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) monitors and collects information on environmental issues and policies in the Asia-Pacific region to report on the region's progress in these areas and on the development of a sustainable society. Since 1998, IGES has published an annual summary of major environmental news for the Asia...