Results 1 - 10 of 15 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
Ranjith Perera
Urban land use observably induces and generates traffic particularly where segregation among categories of land uses are distinct. Zoning in land use that distinguishes residential and commercial zones would create the needs of motorized transport due to journey to works and other purposes, provided that the proximity between residential and...
Discussion Paper
IGES Kansai Research Centre Discussion Paper
In order to achieve sustainable society, it is necessary to transform industrial structure to the one that does not reduce the Earth's resources. Under this circumstance, a business model of "not selling goods, but selling services" has been expected as a measure of co-existence of business and the environment. This idea, which is called as...
Discussion Paper
持続可能な社会を築くためには、産業構造を転換し、地球の資源を減少させないようにすることが課題となっている。このような中で「モノを売らずにサービスを売る」というビジネスモデルは、産業と環境が両立する方策として期待されてきた。「製品サービスシステム(Product-Service Systems: PSS)」や「サービサイジング」等と呼ばれるこのアイデアは、欧米や国際機関で研究され、日本にもおいても研究されつつある。  しかし、PSSのアイデアは、未だ有効に政策展開されていない。その大きな原因は、PSSのコンセプトが未発達なところにある。コンセプトが不十分なままにして、研究者は科学的分析に取り組み、政策担当者は新規政策として活用しようとしているため、関係者の間では混乱が生じている...
Policy Brief
Many Asian cities have greatly relied on groundwater in the course of their development. Large populations and concentrations of industrial activity in urban areas intensified the stress on groundwater. Such stress has resulted in environmental problems, such as the drawdown of water tables, land subsidence and saltwater intrusion, which interfered...
Discussion Paper
Meeting summary of the IGES Brainstorming Forum, 11 April 2001, Tokyo. 2001 年3 月,米国ブッシュ政権は選挙キャンペーン時の公約であった電力部門へのCO2 規制を反古にし,また京都議定書に反対であるという内容の書簡を保守系上院議員に送った。続いて,米国が京都議定書に批准する意思がないことを公式に明らかにした.この意志表明は,京都体制の今後を不透明なものとし,国際社会に大きな波紋を投げかけた。IGES Brainstorming Forum では,米国離脱の可能性を含めた「京都体制の今後の展開」に関し,その見解・見通し・解決策について,欧米の専門家を交えて議論を行った。
PR, Newsletter or Other
In consideration of the importance of a platform for sharing knowledge and information on water environment management in Asia, the Water Envrionment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) - a partnership of 11 Asian countries - developed a database. The formation of the WEPA initiative was first proposed by the Ministry of the Environment Japan at the 3rd...
PR, Newsletter or Other
Groundwater has been overexploited in some Asian cities, causing significant problems such as land subsidence. The resource is also under the threat of aquifer contamination. The SWMP project formulated 14 recommendations, beased on teh SWMP study aiming to achieve sustainable groundwater management in the Asian cities. The recommendations...
PR, Newsletter or Other
At the IGES, we have been announcing the top news on the environment in the Asia-Pacific region every year since 1998. This has been with the aim of collecting and organising information about environmental issues and policy trends in the region, and to report on how the region addresses environmental problems and how it works to create a...