Calling for an integrative approach: Climate, SDGs and biodiversity
Serious concerns were underlined at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regarding the current NDC targets. It was pointed out that when added together, greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 would still be 13.7% higher than in 2010.* In the Asia-Pacific region, the progress gap for achieving the SDGs grows wider and the prospect of achieving the SDGs. In 2017, the estimated year to achieve the SDGs was 2052, and by 2021, the estimated year had increased to 2065.**
In order to achieve both the 2030 Agenda and the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement by 2030, it is critical to strengthen co-benefits and accelerate synergies between them. UN DESA and the UNFCCC Secretariat co-convened the Third Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to build a foundation for synergistic actions that align with the climate and SDG processes and stimulate action by various stakeholders at the global, regional and national levels.
Spotlighting a conference led by Asia
Recognising that strengthening and accelerating the synergistic implementation of the SDGs, climate action, and biodiversity agenda solutions is critical to solving complex systemic challenges, IGES has closely worked with the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan since the first Global Conference took place in April 2019 in UN City in Copenhagen. Using this platform in Asia, we called for stakeholders in the region to join together so that their voices will echo beyond 2030 into the post-SDG era.
Go to "Climate and SDGs Synergy Approach - Achieving Decarbonized Societies and Securing Human Wellbeing" COP25 Side Event Report and discover how it started.
*Glasgow Climate Pact1/CMA.3
**Asia and the Pacific SDGs Progress Report 2022
This conference background note is developed for the Third Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The note aims to address two questions: 1) What is known about synergies and trade-offs? and 2) What can be done to consolidate existing and emerging knowledge on these...
Outcomes of the event
The Third Global Synergies Conference contributed to a better understanding and more effective promotion of synergies between climate action, sustainable development, and pandemic recovery efforts.
More specifically, the Conference made the following deliverables:
- Conference background materials: developed as part of the preparatory process to inform the discussions. It built on the most recent documentation and analysis related to harnessing climate and SDGs synergies.
- Forward-looking Conference Summary with key recommendations on scaling up joint implementation of climate actions and SDGs. This aims to inform deliberations ahead of major 2022 global processes, including through advocacy and other practical engagements (such as virtual means) in support of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in July 2022, UN General Assembly session in September 2022, the UNFCCC COP27 in November 2022, and other relevant platforms.
- A network of knowledge partners that contributes to codification and dissemination of knowledge on climate and SDGs synergies using the Climate & SDGs Synergies Knowledge Platform as a digital platform. The network is composed of organizations (such as those involved in the technical advisory group) who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing this topic. This acts as a one-stop-shop on topics related to harnessing climate and SDGs synergies and providing.
- Report from Youth Representatives: this was delivered at the closing of the event
Establishing a new normal for youth participation in decision-making
This conference also aimed to unite youth-led environmental non-profit organisations. We already knew that younger generations had a crucial role to play in enhancing climate action. Simply highlighting their voices is not enough to reflect their vision in the decision-making process. Youth can fully participate only when we support them and establish the norm of their participation in decisions. To do so, IGES continues identifying the structural barriers to their engagement and taking actions to minimise them. These barriers can be financial and informational or even a lack of empowerment.
Collective message from environmental youth non-profit organisations in Japan
Climate actions, biodiversity agenda solutions, and achieving the SDGs that encompass these issues are urgent in today’s global society. We, the youth generation, are the ones most affected by these unresolved issues. Now is the time for us to come together, collaborate, and make our voices heard to the international community and policy decision-makers to shape our future ourselves. In this meeting, we urge to establish new values that are not necessarily measured in GDP, based on the concept of “degrowth”.
国連気候変動枠組条約第26回締約国会議(COP26)では、現在各国の自国が定める貢献(NDC)に記載されている目標値をすべて足し合わせても、2030年の温室効果ガス排出量は2010年比で13.7%増加することに対し、深刻な懸念が示されました* 。また、SDGsについても、年を追うごとに達成までの予測期間が長くなっていることが指摘されています。具体的には、2017年のSDGs達成予測が2052年であったのに対して、2021年には達成予測が2065年まで延びています** 。
2019年の第1回会議と2020/2021年のオンライン会合の成果を踏まえ、この度、第3回パリ協定とSDGsのシナジー強化に関する国際会議が7月20~21日に東京の国連大学で開催されました。 本国際会議は、2つの不可分なグローバル・アジェンダへの取り組みを強化し、シナジーを形成することで、対策を一層加速させることを目的としました。マルチステークホルダーが統合的視点と行動の裏付けとなる科学的知見に基づいたエビデンス、解決のための具体的な手段や経験に基づく知見を集約し、共有し、発信する場となりました。
「第3回パリ協定とSDGsのシナジー強化に関する国際会議」の結果について (IGESプレスリリース)
This conference background note is developed for the Third Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The note aims to address two questions: 1) What is known about synergies and trade-offs? and 2) What can be done to consolidate existing and emerging knowledge on these...
- 背景資料:背景資料は本会合の準備プロセスの一環として作成され、ディスカッションの下地となります。気候変動とSDGsの相乗効果の活用に関する最新の文書や分析に基づいて作成されました。(エグゼクティブサマリー日本語版)
- 主要な提言を含む会合サマリー:本会合の成果として提言書を発表し、2022年の主要な国際会議におけるプロセスー持続可能な開発に関するハイレベル政治フォーラム(HLPF)、2022年9月の国連総会、2022年11月のUNFCCC COP27等に提供します。
- パートナーによる知識ネットワークの構築:知識の体系化と普及を促す「気候変動とSDGsのシナジー知識プラットフォーム」にコミットメントを示す組織(テクニカルアドバイザリーグループの関係者等)で構成されるネットワークを構築し、気候変動とSDGsのシナジーの活用に関連するトピックをワンストップで提供します。
- ユースからの提言:本会合主催者であるUNDESA、UNFCCC事務局、そしてホストの環境省に対して提言が発表されました。