27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) will be held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 November to 18 November. On this special webpage, you will find information on side events during COP27, as well as explanatory articles and related publications published by IGES.
IGES Perspectives
Related Publications
This policy brief aims to answer a critical question: how can policymakers, civil society, and researchers address air pollution, climate change, and socioeconomic equity with inclusive solutions ? The brief argues that much of the answer will involve reframing how policymakers, civil society groups, and researchers perceive the interrelationship...
In Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor
Today the global demand for cleaner technologies has been growing significantly, in order to help countries meet Paris climate goals and carbon neutrality targets. However, developing economies, many of which are vulnerable to adverse climate impacts, continue to face critical challenges in terms of availability, accessibility, affordability and...
The long-standing relationship between Japan and India forms a favourable precursor for the countries to collaborate further under the Article 6 mechanisms of the Paris Agreement. While Japan’s support to India for promoting low-carbon technology and clean energy use can help minimise carbon emissions, the partnership will in turn give greater...
As climate change will lead to more severe and frequent weather-related hazards, the need to deal with compound and cascading disasters has become an emerging issue. The e-learning course “Building resilience to compound and cascading disaster risks” under AP-PLAT capacity development programs objects for the local/national government officers to...
Related Projects
Oil and Gas Methane Mitigation: Opportunities for Japan’s Decarbonization
Over the past year, Japan has stepped up its climate commitment on the international stage to cut the emissions of methane, a short-lived but powerful greenhouse gas. In November 2021, at COP26, Japan along with more than 100 countries signed the...
Updated: November 2023
Global Stocktake (GST) Special webpage
The final approval of the implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change last November has prompted a phase in which countries will be required to take
Updated: March 2023
Net-zero: Towards 1.5°C Goal
In 2021, Japan announced its Green Growth Strategy, setting out a roadmap for key technologies in line with its commitment on carbon neutrality by 2050. Japan has embarked on several initiatives on transformative technology in key sectors, with the a