Results 1 - 10 of 1876 (Sorted by date)
Climate change adaptation in agriculture for enhanced recovery and sustainability of highlands
CSA projects needs to be bankable. i.e. the project addresses/considers all known financial and economic risks and yields solid financial and economic performance while providing climate benefits. 1. Design synergistic CSA practices meeting dual objectives: climate change risk and vulnerability reduction and GHG mitigation 2. Wherever appropriate...
Climate change adaptation in agriculture for enhanced recovery and sustainability of highlands
Thai highlands are characterized by high heterogeneity in vertical and horizontal planes in terms of microclimate, geographical, and socio-economic factors that determine the nature of agriculture practised and livelihoods. Highland agriculture is rapidly changing as commercial farming and plantations are being introduced with detrimental impacts...
IGES COP29直前ウェビナーシリーズ
パリ協定には、年月とともに段階的に向上する各国の危機感と野心、技術の発展を加味し、新しい約束(プレッジ)が従来のプレッジを超えていく仕組み、「ラチェット・メカニズム」が組み込まれています。ラチェット・メカニズムの構成要素は3つあります。5年ごとに策定・提出する国が決定する貢献(NDC)(第4条)、各国の行動や支援の透明性を高めていくことにより、お互いの進捗状況をチェックしあうことを可能とする「強化された透明性枠組み」(Enhanced Transparency Framework: ETF)(第13条)、そしてETFやIPCC等からの情報をベースにパリ協定の目的および長期目標の達成に向けた全体の進捗状況を5年ごとに確認する「グローバル・ストックテイク」(Global Stocktake...
Using the available information sources and an econometric approach for the time series dataset, this study tests the price volatility of the national carbon market, and identifies the interactions between electricity, carbon and fossil fuel prices in China. The result confirms an overreaction of carbon market prices to the considered events. There...
SDGs are off track, but the HLPF’s follow-up and review (FUR) process, especially reviews of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), does not systematically examine the reasons. This paper recommends that SDG progress reviews should focus more on analysing national SDG implementation policies and budgets. Regarding the environment, for example, this...
East Asia Roundtable 2024: Common interests and shared opportunities for a net-zero future
Following a briefing about the overall climate mitigation targets and policy system in Japan, this presentation explained carbon neutrality practices and trends of Japan’s steel industry in details. The challenges and technology path for the industry to achieve carbon neutrality were described. The progress in research, development and...
森林リスク・コモディティのサプライチェーンマネージメントアプローチによる世界の森林減少抑制、というEUDRの目的は素晴らしく、国際的に波及の動き しかしその手法(e.g. 地理的位置情報の要求)は想定外の負の影響をおこすことも懸念されている。生産国側の反発も強い。 またそもそも、その手法は世界の森林減少抑制に効果を与える手法として効率的・効果的なのかという疑問も →日本政府が同様の政策を導入する際には十分な検討が必要 一方で一部の事業者、生産国政府はこれを機会ととらえ、着々とEUDR対応の準備を進めている。それをサポートするベンチャー/NGOの活動も盛ん。 日本の木材産業に関しては、EUへの輸出ではなく、EUからの輸入にトラブルが発生することが予想され...
Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Certification - Blue Oasis
The presentation provided the global trend of the environmental crises and the preliminary research results on the current recognition and awareness on the environmental issues among the tourism industry and tourists in Mauritius and the potential changes towards a sustainable society. It also aimed to inform the usefulness of the sustainable...
Roundtable Meeting with Higher Level Functionaries for Strengthening the Climate Security Outcomes of Adaptation Planning
Climate security refers to the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on peace and security. It also refers to the impact of climate change on the political stability, human security, national security, etc. Climate change as a threat multiplier, can exacerbate the underlying traditional security issues and human security issues. Hence...