Climate Databases

Having been developed in some cases over more than 10 years, IGES Climate Databases compile unique data about climate change policies and sustainable development projects, and offer in-depth insights through analytics, summary and figures. The Databases are developed and updated by IGES researchers and analysts on a regular basis. The frequency of updates depends on the level of priority of each Database in its global context. We strive to provide added-value in connection with other activities of IGES, and base our product development and maintenance strategy on the principles of reliability, transparency and timeliness.


Data or Tool
This pamphlet offers a description of IGES’s set of Climate Databases. Having been developed in some cases over more than 10 years, the Databases compile unique data about climate change policies and sustainable development projects, and offer in-depth insights through analytics, summary and figures. All Databases are freely accessible online using...

Paris Agreement

Data or Tool
The IGES NDC Database compiles the main features of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which were communicated by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in order to present the targets and measures that will be taken in order to implement the Paris Agreement, according to countries’ national...
Data or Tool
IGES Biennial Update Report (BUR) Database provides key information reported in biennial update reports (BURs) submitted by Non-Annex I Countries to the UNFCCC. According to UNFCCC COP decision 2/CP.17, non-Annex I Parties, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided for reporting, should submit their first BUR by December...

GHG Emissions

Data or Tool
IGES's GHG emissions database aims to compile the latest information on GHG and CO2 emissions, as reported annually by UNFCCC Annex I countries. The data covers the period from from 1990 up to two years before the submission date of the reports. This database also provides information on target compliance, in order to compare historical emission...

Joint Crediting Mechanism

Data or Tool
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...

Kyoto Protocol

Data or Tool
The IGES Kyoto Units Transfer Database (CP1 & CP2) provide compiled information on all issuance, international transfer, retirement, and cancellation of Kyoto units from each Annex I country or among different Annex I countries for the 1st and 2nd commitment periods of the Kyoto Protocol (CP1 and CP2). The information is extracted from publicly...
Data or Tool
IGES Kyoto Units All Transaction Data for the First Commitment Period (CP1) provides all the information on both retired and carried over Kyoto units sorted by originating country and project types. It also provides how many CP1 /CP2 CERs are remaining. Whilst information in this data is believed to be true and accurate, neither the author nor...

Clean Development Mechanism / Joint Implementation

Data or Tool
IGES CDM Project Database aims at providing information to be utilized for research and analysis on the process of CDM project development, credit issuance, and the status of its procedures. The information of relevant items are extracted from the publicly available sources on the UNFCCC web-site. The UNFCCC Secretariat and IGES have signed a...
Data or Tool
IGES CDM Monitoring and Issuance Database aims at providing comprehensive, organised information on the CDM projects registered by UNFCCC EB. The listed information helps users to organise the results of the CER issuance procedures for project activities after monitoring. All the information is extracted from publicly available sources on the...
Data or Tool
IGES CDM Investment Analysis Database aims to provide organised information that has been used for investment analysis to demonstrate the additionality of the project activities.The listed information helps users to search for specific information on each registered, rejected and withdrawn project more easily and it also enables them to use...
Data or Tool
IGES's CDM Programme of Activities (PoA) Database aims at providing comprehensive and organised information on PoAs in an easy-to-understand way. It also compiles information on Component Project Activities (CPAs). The database allows users to search for specific data on each project in the pipeline more easily and enables them to use relevant...
Data or Tool
IGES CDM Review and Rejected Project Database aims to provide organised information on project activities and the issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs) that have been reviewed and, as a result of review process, rejected by the CDM Executive Board (the Board). The listed information helps users to organise the current status and the...
Data or Tool
IGES Review and Rejected CDM Project Data Analysis is the summary of the reviewed and rejected CDM project activities as well as the issuance of certified emission reduction (CERs), by the CDM ExecutiveBoard. The organised data aims to provide analytical information for the current status as well as the trend of review and rejection. Remarks: IGES...
Data or Tool
IGES JI Project Database aims at providing comprehensive and organised information on JI projects that have made their Project Design Documents (PDDs) public. All information is extracted from the publicly available sources on the UNFCCC web-site and this database will be updated regularly. Remarks: Japanese version:

Grid Emission Factors

Data or Tool
The List of Grid Emission Factors aims to provide information to be utilized for research and analysis regarding emissions from electricity generation. A "grid emission factor" refers to a CO2 emission factor (tCO2/MWh) which will be associated with each unit of electricity provided by an electricity system. It is a parameter to determine the...


Data or Tool
This document aims to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the clean development mechanism (CDM). It should be noted that this document does not replicate in the exact manner all the texts agreed upon in the international negotiations. Also, there are issues yet to be settled in the international negotiations regarding...
Training or Learning Material
Mirza Shawkat
Muhammad Selim
This document aims to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) including JCM concept, JCM project cycle, JCM related bodies, JCM project methodology, project design document (PDD), Registration process, post registration activities, procedure for issuance of credits, and procedure for...
Data or Tool
The "JCM in CHARTS" series aim to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in each host country. This version describes the rules, procedures, and references for implementing the JCM in Cambodia.
Data or Tool
The "JCM in CHARTS" series aim to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in each host country. This version describes the rules, procedures, and references for implementing the JCM in Lao PDR. This CHARTS is also available in Laotian language: JCM in CHARTS for Lao PDR (ພາສາລາວ)
Data or Tool
The "JCM in CHARTS" series aim to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in each host country. This version describes the rules, procedures, and references for implementing the JCM in Lao PDR. This CHARTS is also available in Mongolian language. МОНГОЛ УЛС ДАХ ХКОМ-ЫН ТОЙМ
Data or Tool
This is the latest COP21 version of "One Hundred Questions and Answers about MRV in Developing Countries". Our unique approach – questions and answers - gives you an easy-to-understand guide to MRV for the following various schemes and mechanisms: - National Communications - Biennial Update Reports - National GHG Inventories - MRV for Nationally...
Data or Tool
The Climate Policy and Market Mechanism Status Report aims at providing updated information on the status of national climate policy and market mechanisms in the selected countries. A particular focus is set on mechanisms such as the CDM, national ETS and the JCM. Countries covered: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Lao PDR, Mongolia...