IGES List of Grid Emission Factors

Version: 11.5
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The List of Grid Emission Factors aims to provide information to be utilized for research and analysis regarding emissions from electricity generation. A "grid emission factor" refers to a CO2 emission factor (tCO2/MWh) which will be associated with each unit of electricity provided by an electricity system. It is a parameter to determine the baseline emissions for CDM projects in the renewable energy sector (hydro, wind, solar PV, and geothermal power, etc.) and waste heat/gas recovery sector.

This Database provides two types of grid emission factor:
1. CDM-based grid emission factors, those calculated and utilized by each registered CDM project. Data provided in this sheet is extracted from the UNFCCC website and provided in the IGES CDM Project Database, which provides information on individual project activity. For further information on individual project activity, please refer to the CDM Project Database.
2. Official grid emission factors published by host country governments or published as CDM standardized baseline approved by the CDM Executive Board. Official grid emission factors published by host country governments are taken from publicly available sources. CDM standardized baselines are taken from the CDM website.

Citation: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (2024). List of Grid Emission Factors, version 11.5. Available at: https://pub.iges.or.jp/pub/iges-list-grid-emission-factors
All copyrights are reserved. The source must be clearly stated when this database is reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means.


New in the version 11.5 (October 2024 update):
Update of grid emission data in some countries from Asia and Latin American regions
