COP27 Japan Pavilion Side Event

Japan’s contributions towards a decarbonised and resilient Asia

12 November 2022, 15:00-16:30 (Egypt time)

The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) project team have been supporting the development and update of long-term strategies (LTS) in several countries in Asia including Japan. To promote action on the ground, they have also been aiding cities in this region to devise their own strategies for carbon neutrality. By conducting joint research activities and providing training for young researchers in this region, MOEJ and the AIM project team have built regional capacity for science-based policies on climate.

The ASEAN Climate Change Strategic Action Plan 2023-2030 (ACCSAP), based on an update of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC) Action Plan (AAP) 2019-2025 and sectoral action plans, will be developed by the time of COP28 in 2023. One of the eight AAP areas is related to development of long-term plans, including by strengthening the capacity to develop and update LTS and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in ASEAN. The development of ACCSAP by all ASEAN Member States and sectoral bodies, through rigorous capacity building under AIM projects, could play a key role in the formulation and update of LTS and NDCs to realise ASEAN’s long-term goal of achieving carbon neutrality and resiliency.

This side event aimed to consider how to bridge AIM and the ACCSAP in a more organic manner by sharing support for the formulation and update of LTS by AIM, and the current status of ACCSAP development.

In addition, this side event highlighted work by the AIM project team in several cities in the ASEAN region, introducing quantitative future scenarios and subsequent actions toward decarbonisation.

Recorded Video

Event Details

12 November 2022, 15:00-16:30 (Egypt time)

Japan Pavilion, Sharm el-Sheikh International Convention Center, Egypt


National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES)
ASEAN Secretariat

IGES office:[email protected]

Presentation Materials

Programme and Presentation Materials

Chair: Vong Sok (Assistant Director, Head of Environment Division, ASEAN Secretariat)
MIZUTANI Yoshihiro (Director for International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan)

15:00-15:13 Opening remarks


Executive Director, IGES

Framinig presentation

FUJINO Junichi

Programme Director, Integrated Sustainability Centre, IGES

PDF (2.7MB)
15:13-15:30 Session 1: Current status of ACCSAP development

ACCSAP overview

  • Vong Sok (Assistant Director, Head of Environment Division, ASEAN Secretariat)
  • ARINO Yosuke (Researcher, Strategic Management Office, & Project Leader (Mitigation and Adaptation Integration), IGES)
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Photo session  

Session 2: AIM’s support for each country

  Viet Nam
  • Luong Quang Huy (Department of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Viet Nam)
  • Nguyen Tung Lam (VNPI, Viet Nam)
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  • Rizaldi Boer (IPB, Indonesia)
  • Retno Gumilang Dewi and Ucok WR. Siagian (ITB, Indonesia)
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  • Bundit Limmeechokchai (SIIT-TU, Thailand)
PDF (2.4MB)


Session3: AIM’s support for cities in ASEAN  
  • CHAU Loon Wai (UTM, Malaysia)
PDF (2.4MB)
16:20-16:25   Q and A  
16:25-16:30 Closing remarks

ONO Hiroshi

Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan