FY2016 Project to Conduct Joint Research and Surveys, and Host and Support Related Meetings of the Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, China, and Korea (TEMM) Final Report

Commissioned Report

The objective of this work was to develop a research plan and propose how the three countries could move forward on joint research related to two of the priority areas in the Joint Action Plan (Climate Change Response and Transition to a Green Economy), in consultation with the counterparts from Korea and China, based on results of the previous joint research carried out among the three countries. Japan is engaged in numerous environmental cooperation frameworks with China and Korea, and will be implementing the Joint Action Plan under TEMM. Considering this, analysis of the structure and activities of environmental administration in China and Korea was conducted and related materials that summarize this analysis were prepared in order to promote more efficient cooperation with China and Korea. Also, in April of 2016, TEMM18 was held in Shizuoka City. After that, Japan hosted the Post TEMM Working Level Meeting in Hayama, Kanagawa in December 2016. Korea hosted the Pre TEMM19 meeting in Seoul in February 2017, and the Directors General Meeting and its related Working Level Meeting in Suwon in March 2017. This work aims at contributing to the improvement of the environment on the regional and global scale as well as to help Japan to play a leading role in the environmental management of Northeast Asia through TEMM and contribute to the post TEMM 18 working level meeting, including assistance of Japanese participants, and contribute to the success of TEMM 19, etc.


This report is in two separate parts. There is also a Japanese version.
