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生物多様性に関する国際標準化の動向をふまえ、我が国の知見をTC331で議論される国際標準規格へ適切に反映し、生物多様性に関する我が国産業の国際競争力強化につなげることを目的として、以下の業務を遂行した。 ・ISO/TC331国内審議委員会の活動支援 ・ISO/TC331国際総会及び関連ワーキンググループ会合での議論の活動支援 ・ワーキンググループ対応分科会活動支援
This is the Japanese report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is...
This is the Japanese summary of a report on an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version of the summary was also produced. The topic is invasive alien species and the event was an offshoot of activities related to Japan's G7 presidency. Please note that this document is confidential and therefore...
This is the Japanese summary of a report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information...
This is the Japanese version of a report of an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is confidential.
This is the final report of the Asia Parks Congress Preparation Support project, commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY2021. Based on the success of the first Asia Parks Congress held in Sendai in 2013, the second Asia Parks Congress (APC2) will be held in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia on May 24 th to 29 th 2022. The project...
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