
Commissioned Report

This is the final report of the Asia Parks Congress Preparation Support project, commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY2021. Based on the success of the first Asia Parks Congress held in Sendai in 2013, the second Asia Parks Congress (APC2) will be held in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia on May 24th to 29th 2022.  The project consists of five components: 1) meetings with MOEJ; 2) preparation of oral presentations at APC2; 3) preparation for the Working Group 1 “Nature based Solutions (NbS)”; 4) support and communication regarding the participation and flight to the venue of APC2; 5) PR for APC2 in Japan. This report provides the output of these components, including oral presentations on “Achievement of 1st Asia Park Congress”, “Biodiversity Conservation Policy and Strategy in the Asia Region”, and “Natural Disasters and PAs and 11 Years after the GEJE Disaster”, and draft NbS guidebook.
