
Results 21 - 30 of 285 (Sorted by date)
Past Event

Breaking the Plastic Habit in ASEAN Countries: Project Phase II ‐ Expanding the Application of Behavioural Insights to Reduce Single-use Plastic Waste in Cities and Communities in Asia

Plastic is pervasive in modern life, making its reduction a complex societal challenge. Reducing plastic consumption will necessitate substantial shifts in societal behaviour, supported by increased public awareness of the environmental and health...
Past Event

What to expect at CBD COP16

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the world’s most comprehensive, and probably most consequential, multilateral environmental agreement on biodiversity. With almost 200 Parties (countries and the EU), the CBD covers a broad sweep of...
Past Event

The Fourth International Forum on Low Carbon Cities

On 8 October, the 4th International Forum on Low Carbon Cities was held at JICA Kyushu, organised by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Kitakyushu City, and Incheon City. The forum was held for the first time...
Past Event
Climate Security Webinar Series

Upcoming US elections and Implications for Climate and Industrial Policy

This webinar focused on the potential implications of the upcoming US elections on climate and industrial policy, with a special focus on climate security. It provided an overview of the current US climate policy landscape and explored how...
Past Event

Demonstration and Panel Discussion on Environment Friendly Soap-based Fire Fighting Foam “Shabondama Natural Foam”

IGES was co-host an on-site demonstration in Indonesia as part of the ongoing Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technologies to Extinguish Forest and Peatland Fires...
Past Event

Bringing Climate and Health Together in Japanese and American Cities

This summer’s heatwaves and floods have highlighted the crucial link between climate change and health in cities. Cities around the world are recognising this connection and taking action to combat the climate crisis while fostering healthier...
Past Event
Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP)

Reporting of mitigation actions in the agriculture sector under Article13

The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP), implemented and funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), aims to assist countries to prepare their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under the enhanced transparency frame
Past Event
HLPF 2024 Official side event

How are multi-stakeholder platforms for SDGs involved in the follow-up and review process at national level including the Voluntary National Review process?

The Political Declaration of the SDG Summit clearly states that the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) will help “to further strengthen the follow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda”. Indeed, achieving the SDGs requires robust...