Satoshi TANAKA

Former Staff (from Nov 2019 - Oct 2020 )
Results 1 to 6 of 6 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
Learning from cultural traditions and philosophies could help place countries in Asia on more sustainable development paths. This paper argues why and outlines how countries in Asia should collaborate in pooling and promoting good practices grounded in indigenous knowledge and philosophies to mainstream sustainability at the local, national...
Submission to Policy Process
This submission, which includes a paper maintaining that indigenous knowledge and philosophical richness can help Asia transition to a more sustainable development paths, argues for a greater focus on looking back as countries move toward a post-pandemic future. More concretely, the paper outlines why and how countries in Asia should collaborate in...
PR, Newsletter or Other
Climate Edge Vo.27では、日本における中長期的な温暖化対策の立案に貢献するため、カーボン・バジェットの概念の科学的背景、カーボンプライシングの概念整理、地球温暖化対策における国際貢献のあり方に関する見解をまとめました。
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