Results 111 to 120 of 166 (Sorted by date)
In IGES Climate Updates
This research report has been prepared to provide an overview of the Japan 2050 Low Carbon Navigator (Low Carbon Navigator), how it works, and what its assumptions are. Section I introduces the Low Carbon Navigator to the audience, providing the background of the initiative as well as a description of the model. Section II explains the fundamental...
IGES JI Project Database aims at providing comprehensive and organised information on JI projects that have made their Project Design Documents (PDDs) public. All information is extracted from the publicly available sources on the UNFCCC web-site and this database will be updated regularly. Remarks: Japanese version:
本データは、国連の気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)事務局等を通じて公表されているトラック1及びトラック2JIプロジェクトの情報を基に、調査分析のため基礎資料となるように、プロジェクト開発プロセス及びクレジット発行やその手続きに関する重要な項目を抽出しデータベース化したものです。 Remarks: English version: 2015年2月更新 2014年5月更新 2014年3月更新 2014年2月更新 2013年12月更新 検証済みERUについての情報を追加。 2012年2月更新 2011年12月更新 2011年10月更新 2011年8月更新 2011年6月更新...
Results 1 to 2 of 2 (Sorted by date)
Updated: July 2023
G7 (2023) Special webpage
The G7 Ministers' Meeting on Climate, Energy, and Environment was recently held in Sapporo, Japan, ahead of the G7 Hiroshima Summit on May 19-21. In this special issue, we provide in-depth coverage of the latest updates and insights from th
Updated: March 2023
Net-zero: Towards 1.5°C Goal
In 2021, Japan announced its Green Growth Strategy, setting out a roadmap for key technologies in line with its commitment on carbon neutrality by 2050. Japan has embarked on several initiatives on transformative technology in key sectors, with the a