平成28年度生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する科学的知見に関する調査業務 業務報告書

Commissioned Report

The report compiles the materials and records produced through the implementation of an MOEJ-commissioned project entitled "FY 2016 compilation of scientific knowledge relating to IPBES", or "FY 2016 IPBES Japan" in concise. The report includes, amongst others, i) reports from Japanese experts regarding their participation in IPBES-related meetings; ii) documents for two IPBES-Japan expert meetings; iii) Japanese summaries of and analyses on the meeting documents for the IPBES Fifth Plenary meeting; iv) summary of discussions at the IPBES fifth plenary meeting; v) documents for IPBES-5 reporting seminar in Japan; and vi) analyses to provide the basis for inputs to future IPBES-related meetings.
