平成26年度「アジア太平洋3R白書」作成に係る基礎調査業務 報告書

Commissioned Report

The basic survey on development of “Asia Pacific 3R White Paper” project conducted the basic survey and institutionalization of experts/researchers group for development for the Asia Pacific 3R white paper (tentative title). In addition, the zero draft of writing guideline for Asia Pacific 3R white paper was developed initially for the development of 3R white paper and the country reports, which are based for 3R white paper. Based on this zero draft, the total three time of domestic and international workshops has been organized to debate the objectives, contents, review process of the white paper and finalize the writing guideline. The participants of the drafting writing committee workshops have also shared the data availability in their country and discussed how to solve the situation when country faces lack of reliable data. Through these activities, the following countries Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, and Singapore has developed their draft country chapter as sample country reports for other countries.
