Asian Transparency Workshop (Online)

13-14 December 2021

At COP26 in Glasgow, the Paris Agreement (PA) rulebook was finalized, including detailed rules on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and Article 6. Under the ETF, Article 13 mandates that each Party regularly provide information on progress made in implementing and achieving its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). Article 6 of the PA requires each Party to report detailed information related to its participation in cooperative approaches, using various forms of reporting, including BTRs.

On 13-14 December, IGES, with support from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), and in collaboration with the UNFCCC-IGES Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) for Asia and UNEP-DTU Partnership, organised the “Asian Transparency Workshop (Online)”. It highlighted the following aspects for preparation of BTRs: 1) COP 26 updates on the ETF, including BTRs and the Article 6 decision; and 2) A mutual learning program on reporting mitigation actions under Article 13 and reporting under Article 6.2. 

The two-day workshop was attended by around 58 participants, including government officials in charge of national communications (NCs) / biennial update reports (BURs) from 11 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand), and experts from various international organisations.

You can download the agenda, presentations and the summary report from this page.

Agenda (303KB) / Summary report (1.3MB)

Event Details

13-14 December 2021


UNFCCC-IGES Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC) for Asia and the Pacific
UNEP-DTU Partnership
Approx. 58

IGES Climate and Energy Area
2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa,
240-0115 Japan
Tel: +81-46-826-9592
Fax: +81-46-855-3809 E-mail: [email protected]

Presentation Materials

Day 1 (Time in JST)
MC: Temuulen Murun, IGES
15:00-15:05 Opening remarks Mr. Ryuzo Sugimoto, Director, International Cooperation and Sustainable Infrastructure office, Global Environmental Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan  
Ms. Susanne Pedersen, Director, UNEP-DTU Partnership  
15:05-15:15   Introduction to the workshop
Chisa Umemiya, IGES
PDF (820KB)
Session 1: Reporting of mitigation actions under Article 13
This session will share updates on COP 26 regarding the biennial transparency report (BTR) including common tabular formats (CTFs)
15:15-15:30   Update on outcomes of COP26/CMA3 – MRV/Transparency
PDF (358KB)
15:30-15:45   Reporting Common Tabular Formats (CTFs) in Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs)
Takashi Morimoto, MURC
PDF (1.8MB)
15:45-16:00   Q&A session Feedback and comment
Noriko Tamiya-Hase, MOEJ
Session 2: MLP and Country experiences
This session will focus on introducing key findings from MLP on reporting of mitigation actions and sharing countries experience and knowledge on the major findings from the MLP 2021
16:00-16:15   Findings from MLP exercises
Temuulen Murun, IGES
PDF (640KB)
16:15-17:00   Breakout group discussions (4 groups)
Potential discussion topics:
1. What are the priorities to track and monitor mitigation actions (MAs) implementation/progress in your country?
2. How will your country reflect emission reductions from MAs to your country’s national GHG inventory?

Group 1: Noriko Tamiya-Hase, MOEJ/ Takashi Morimoto, MURC
Group 2: Chisa Umemiya, IGES/ Yuqing Yu, UNFCCC-RCC
Group 3: Temuulen Murun/ Rully Dhora Carolyn, Indonesia
Group 4: Fatima-Zahra Taibi, UNEP-DTU/ Per Wretlind, UNEP-DTU

17:00-17:30   Discussion and summary
  • Reporting back from each group
  • Feedback and comment
  • Discussion on future capacity needs

Facilitator: Fatima-Zahra Taibi, UNEP-DTU Partnership Each rapporteur
Noriko Tamiya-Hase, MOEJ
All participants

Day 2 (Time in JST)
MC: Toru Taguchi, IGES
15:00-15:10   Summary from Day 1
Session 3: Reporting under Article 6.2
This session will share updates on COP 26 regarding Article 6 negotiation including the three types of reporting under Article 6.2
15:10-15:25   Result of Article 6 in COP26 and Japan’s initiatives
Kentaro Takahashi, IGES
PDF (1.8MB)
15:25-15:40   Reporting under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement
Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Thailand
PDF (427KB)
15:40-15:55   Q&A session Feedback and comment
Noriko Tamiya-Hase, MOEJ
Session 4: MLP and Country experiences
This session will focus on introducing key findings from MLP reporting under Article 6.2 and sharing countries experience and knowledge on the major findings from the MLP 2021
15:55-16:10   Findings from MLP exercises
Tomohiko Hattori, IGES
PDF (1.4MB)
16:10-16:55   Breakout group discussions (4 groups)
Potential discussion topics:
1. What will be the priorities to prepare for corresponding adjustments (CAs) in your country?
2. How will your country track internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) and reflect them to your country’s emissions and removals (obtained from GHG inventories) for CAs?

Facilitator/ Rapporteur
Group 1: Chisa Umemiya, IGES/ Otgontsetseg Luvsandash, Mongolia
Group 2: Toru Taguchi, IGES/ Dinda Fauzani, Indonesia
Group 3: Tomohiko Hattori, IGES/ Paweena Panichayapichet, Thailand
Group 4: Fatima-Zahra Taibi, UNEP-DTU/ Per Wretlind, UNEP-DTU

16:55-17:25   Discussion and summary
  • Reporting back from each group
  • Feedback and discussion
Facilitator: Kentaro Takahashi, IGES
Each rapporteur
Mr. Rueban Manokara, Singapore
Noriko Tamiya-Hase, MOEJ
All participants
17:25-17:30 Closing remarks Mr. Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director of IGES