
Former Staff (from Apr 2017 - Mar 2018 )
Results 1 to 5 of 5 (Sorted by date)
Commissioned Report
This report summarized surveys and activities regarding 1) investigation of the trends, interests and concerns in overseas business deployment targeting companies based in Hyogo prefecture and companies currently conducting business overseas, 2) engaging and strengthening collaboration with local stakeholders in Hyogo prefecture.
Commissioned Report
This commissioned report is related to the Technology Assessment project in FY2017 funded by MoEJ, which promotes the transfer and dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies overseas, and to ultimately contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions at the global level. It consisted of various activities, which could be...
PR, Newsletter or Other
JITMAP aims to connect Japanese manufacturers of low carbon technologies (LCTs) with Indian industries that are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprints. The Japan India technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP) launched its online information sharing portal at the World Summit for Sustainable Development on February 15th, 2018 in Delhi India...
Conference Proceeding
The training programme was organised to “Support Renewable Energy Deployment through Developing Project Proposals to Access Green Climate Fund (GCF)” by IGES-KRC with support from Ministry of Environment Japan and IRENA. The training programme was attended by representatives from Maldives, Palau, Fiji, Samoa and Mozambique. It was observed that the...
Conference Proceeding
ISAP 2017
The dissemination of low carbon technologies (LCTs) will continue to play a crucial role to meeting the targets under the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. Yet, despite a wide range of activities and initiatives to promote the dissemination of LCTs, finding the missing links between the various facets of effective technology dissemination model...
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