For Individuals

What Can Individuals Do?

Reducing global warming and confronting climate change is a shared responsibility. We all must take action as per our personal circumstances and capacities.

Trying 1.5°C Lifestyles is not as difficult as you may think. The first step is familiarizing yourself with different low-carbon lifestyle options, followed by trying out those that are possible for you. It is quite normal if you cannot do it perfectly, and it may not be your fault. Please don't blame yourself, and instead tell us about your experience, sharing it with others to help learn about change.

3 Simple Steps Toward 1.5ºC Lifestyles


Check-out the 1.5°C Lifestyles options catalogue, and identify how you can take the first step towards a low carbon lifestyle.


Read stories and experiences of people who already tried 1.5°C lifestyles and discovered many joys along with lowering their carbon footprints.

PR, Newsletter or Other
The '1.5-Degree Lifestyles Magazine' shares stories about everyday sustainable living. It is part of the ‘Envisioning Future Low-Carbon Lifestyles and Transitioning Instruments’ project, 2019-2021. This demonstration project is implemented under the United Nations’ One Planet network and funded by the Government of Japan through its contribution to...

Award-winning short films on 1.5°C Lifestyles (share it!)

IGES supported the "Future Lifestyles Multimedia Contest" in partnership with the Hot or Cool Institute, to promote individual participation in 1.5°C Lifestyles. Through these short films, creatives share how small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in reducing their carbon footprint.
To see and share the award-winning short films, and find details of the contest, check out the Hot or Cool Institute website (link).


Would you like to spread the word about 1.5°C Lifestyles? Share fact-sheets and social-media posts, the magazine, and multimedia content.

You can also tell us about your personal experiences and learnings (as well as requirements to try other options!) with the hashtags #FutureLifestyles and #1point5.

Lifestyle Options

Scroll over the numbers to see details.

Plant-rich and organic food-297kg CO2e/cap/yr Vegetarian restaurant & reduction of food loss in supply chain-267kg CO2e/cap/yr Teleworking/ Working remotely -297kg CO2e/cap/yr Using public transport (even for intercity travel)-17kg CO2e/cap/yr Using CNG vehicles-546kg CO2e/cap/yr Ride sharing and car sharing-82kg CO2e/cap/yr Use of bicycles-280kg CO2e/cap/yr Rooftop solar panels-358kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce the use of electronics-0.63kg CO2e/cap/yr Repairing items (sewing)-34kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce waste and Re-Use Waste-34kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce Plastic Consumption(by bringing your own basket, cloth bagto carry the things you buy from the market)-0.9kg CO2e/cap/yr Switching off appliances when not in use-39kg CO2e/cap/yr Install Water Saving Fixtures inWashrooms and Kitchen-5kg CO2e/cap/yr Motion sensing lights-117kg CO2e/cap/yr Use E-books instead of hard copies-40kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce extravaganza in weddings-1826kg CO2e/cap/yr Exercising outdoors without machines-14kg CO2e/cap/yr
Low-carbon protein instead of red meat (poultry, fish) -540kg CO2e/cap/yr Plan food shopping to avoid waste -280kg CO2e/cap/yr Reuse food leftovers -420kg CO2e/cap/yr Vegetarian restaurant -62 CO2e/cap/yr Solar panels in homes -50kg CO2e/cap/yr Sharing of housing space -260kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce home electricity use (inc. monitoring, peak management) -80kg CO2e/cap/yr LED lighting -50kg CO2e/cap/yr Living in smaller homes -170kg CO2e/cap/yr More natural lights/big windows -30kg CO2e/cap/yr Using public transport (reduction of car use) -110kg CO2e/cap/yr Ridesharing -70kg CO2e/cap/yr Home office -210kg CO2e/cap/yr Using bikes -220kg CO2e/cap/yr Eco-driving -50kg CO2e/cap/yr Making clothes last longer -10kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduction in electronics consumption -1kg CO2e/cap/yr Prefer alternatives to disposable pads/tampons -0.3kg CO2e/cap/yr
Telework-280kg CO2e/cap/yr Live close to working place-190kg CO2e/cap/yr Bicycle commuting-220kg CO2e/cap/yr Train commuting-200kg CO2e/cap/yr Bus commuting-150kg CO2e/cap/yr Buy in bulk-140kg CO2e/cap/yr Fun in the neighbourhood-100kg CO2e/cap/yr Private bicycle travel-470kg CO2e/cap/yr Online homecoming-170kg CO2e/cap/yr Long holidays in Japan-60kg CO2e/cap/yr Ridesharing / Car sharing-510kg CO2e/cap/yr Electric vehicles (renewable energy charging)-470kg CO2e/cap/yr Electrification with IH cooking heater + renewable energy(electrification of cooking)-1350kg CO2e/cap/yr LED bulbs-90kg CO2e/cap/yr Thermal Insulation Renovation-140kg CO2e/cap/yr Regulate temperature by clothing-110kg CO2e/cap/yr Power generation by rooftop solar panel-1280kg CO2e/cap/yr Switching to 100% renewable energy electricity-1230kg CO2e/cap/yr Compact housing-240kg CO2e/cap/yr Zero-energy house-1820kg CO2e/cap/yr Balanced and healthy home cooking-40kg CO2e/cap/yr Balanced, healthy drinks and snacks-130kg CO2e/cap/yr Eating out in a balanced and healthy way-30kg CO2e/cap/yr Reducing food loss at home-40kg CO2e/cap/yr Diet centered on vegetables and legumes(Vegan food)-340kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and recycling of clothing-190kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and recycling of furniture and carpets-50kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and sharing of books and magazines, the use of libraries and e-books-20kg CO2e/cap/yr Community recreational activities-250kg CO2e/cap/yr Local eco-tourism-90kg CO2e/cap/yr
Reduction in having a buffet ora meal at a restaurant(eat at home)-367kg CO2e/cap/yr Work from home / Telepresence / Telework-225kg CO2e/cap/yr Support low-impact parties,weddings, and other special events-211kg CO2e/cap/yr Private traveling by bus (car free)-209kg CO2e/cap/yr Vegan diet-192kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduction of food waste(ex. reduce oversized portion,...)-182kg CO2e/cap/yr Electric vehicles(instead of conventional car)-145kg CO2e/cap/yr Private traveling by skytrain(car free)-124kg CO2e/cap/yr Riding a bicycle or walking instead of riding motorcycle-116kg CO2e/cap/yr Don’t buy fast fashion anddouble lifetime of clothes-115kg CO2e/cap/yr Closer weekend leisure/hobbies(reducing car, flight, bus)-106kg CO2e/cap/yr Hybrid cars(instead of conventional)-98kg CO2e/cap/yr Pesco-vegetarian diet91kg CO2e/cap/yr Ride-sharing-85kg CO2e/cap/yr Eco-driving-68kg CO2e/cap/yr Vegetarian diet-62kg CO2e/cap/yr Save water use-52kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduction of international flights-53kg CO2e/cap/yr
Telework-280kg CO2e/cap/yr Live close to working place-190kg CO2e/cap/yr Bicycle commuting-220kg CO2e/cap/yr Train commuting-200kg CO2e/cap/yr Bus commuting-150kg CO2e/cap/yr Buy in bulk-140kg CO2e/cap/yr Fun in the neighbourhood-100kg CO2e/cap/yr Private bicycle travel-470kg CO2e/cap/yr Online homecoming-170kg CO2e/cap/yr Long holidays in Japan-60kg CO2e/cap/yr Ridesharing / Car sharing-510kg CO2e/cap/yr Electric vehicles(renewable energy charging)-470kg CO2e/cap/yr Electrification with IH cooking heater+ renewable energy(electrification of cooking)-1350kg CO2e/cap/yr LED bulbs-90kg CO2e/cap/yr Thermal Insulation Renovation-140kg CO2e/cap/yr Regulate temperature by clothing-110kg CO2e/cap/yr Power generation by rooftop solar panel-1280kg CO2e/cap/yr Switching to100% renewable energy electricity-1230kg CO2e/cap/yr Switching to100% renewable energy electricity-1230kg CO2e/cap/yr Zero-energy house-1820kg CO2e/cap/yr Balanced and healthy home cooking-40kg CO2e/cap/yr Balanced, healthy drinks and snacks-130kg CO2e/cap/yr Eating out in a balanced and healthy way-30kg CO2e/cap/yr Reducing food loss at home-40kg CO2e/cap/yr Diet centered on vegetables and legumes (Vegan food)-340kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and recycling of clothing-190kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and recycling of electrical products-50kg CO2e/cap/yr Careful selection and sharing of books and magazines, the use of libraries and e-books-20kg CO2e/cap/yr Community recreational activities-250kg CO2e/cap/yr Local eco-tourism-90kg CO2e/cap/yr
Compost your kitchen waste-404kg CO2e/cap/yr Grow vegetables at home-13kg CO2e/cap/yr Eat vegetarian and follow a plant diet-3326kg CO2e/cap/yr Eliminate consumption of soda and juices-470kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce portion size-925kg CO2e/cap/yr Take left-overs from restaurants-44kg CO2e/cap/yr Repair clothing-293kg CO2e/cap/yr Experiences instead of goods for holidays and birthdays-49kg CO2e/cap/yr Purchase quality clothing-188kg CO2e/cap/yr Use e-services instead of visiting branches-76kg CO2e/cap/yr Half shower time or bathwater level-227kg CO2e/cap/yr Water-saving taps-120kg CO2e/cap/yr Switch to gas cooking-838kg CO2e/cap/yr Task lighting-17kg CO2e/cap/yr Install EE Light Bulbs-39kg CO2e/cap/yr Invest in a Net-Zero Energy house-742kg CO2e/cap/yr Carpool-377kg CO2e/cap/yr Use public transport-571kg CO2e/cap/yr Work from home-127kg CO2e/cap/yr Halve local and international flights / Stop flying-117kg CO2e/cap/yr Walk to work-18kg CO2e/cap/yr Cycle to work-266kg CO2e/cap/yr Use an electric vehicle(with renewables)-469kg CO2e/cap/yr Reduce meals at restaurants-47kg CO2e/cap/yr Choose vegetarian restaurants-176kg CO2e/cap/yr eBooks-8kg CO2e/cap/yr Share books & public library-14kg CO2e/cap/yr Go camping-128kg CO2e/cap/yr Halve the time on your mobile phone and computer-116kg CO2e/cap/yr Relax outside-140kg CO2e per capita per year