- Bilingual English/Japanese
Date: December 12~16, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

The training programme on Developing Project Proposals on Climate Change Mitigation was implemented on December 12~16, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. It was a part of the activities conducted in India in FY2016 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which is a project funded by the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and commissioned to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).
The training programme focused on the development of Green Climate Fund (GCF) project concept notes and as such represented one of the first GCF proposal development programmes implemented worldwide. The training programme featured lectures, group work, and presentations by resource persons. The topics covered include the GCF policies, the choice of an accredited entity, the development of a logical framework for the project, the filling of a GCF concept note template, and the development of a road map to further develop and obtain approval of the project proposal.
Twenty-four trainees from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam participated in the training programme. Three participants represented GCF National Designated Authority (NDA) offices in their countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia and Vietnam). One participant represented a Direct Access Entity (DAE) to the GCF and another a candidate DAE.
It was a beneficial training programme for all participants to learn how to develop bankable proposal through the trainig of drafting concept notes for their future approach to external funding schemes.
The importance of the practical, hands-on approach of this training programme was also highlighted. The trainees were encouraged to use of the ideas presented during this training programme and the knowledge gained to develop full project proposals and to inform the organizers of any developments in terms of project proposals in the future.
- Bilingual English/Japanese
Date: December 12~16, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand