Ecology Note – Towards a Clean, Green and Beautiful Bhutan

Training or Learning Material
Cover image

Waste management is designated as one of the national flagship programme of Bhutan to address its growing waste management challenges, including aligning behaviours of different stakeholders based upon the common vision and goals shared among the society.

Promotion of environmental education targeting young generation has also been positioned as one of the important strategies for promoting 3R through raising awareness and enhancing collaboration and behavioural changes of individuals.

In this context, “Ecology Note – Towards a Clean, Green and Beautiful Bhutan -” an environmental education tool - was developed by the National Environment Commission (NEC) with technical support of CCET, based on the local context of Bhutan including their daily custom, lifestyle, and Gross National Happiness (GNH).

The booklet “Ecology Note” is designed to provide opportunities to deepen student’s understanding on sustainable waste and resource management topics including waste prevention, recycling, composting, and 5Rs in general, through employing activities such as exploration, discussion, and presentation. Teacher’s Guide attached in the booklet also provides the procedure and tips to enhance the activities.

In collaboration with Royal Education Council (REC), the contents of Ecology Note is also integrated into the official science curriculum at primary school in Bhutan.

On 14th October 2020, coinciding with the World Environmental Education Day, NEC launched this Ecology Note: Towards a Clean, Green and Beautiful Bhutan.
