International Workshop

Building Resilience to the Risk of Compound and Cascading Disasters in the Context of Climate Change - Launch of the New e-learning Course on AP-PLAT

Friday, 21 January 2022, 16:00 - 18:30 (JST) (GMT+9)

During this era that is defined by the climate crisis, we see a deepening risk of natural disasters in every corner of the world. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), along with IGES, has developed the e-learning course "Building resilience to compound and cascading disaster risks". This international workshop will serve as the official launch of the course, spark exchange among a broad range of stakeholders, and include discussions about gaps in capacity and needs to strengthen disaster management at the local level in order to reduce and prevent compound and cascading disasters.

Conference Proceeding

The international workshop “Building Resilience to the Risk of Compound and Cascading Disasters in the Context of Climate Change: Launch of the New e-learning Course on AP-PLAT” was held online on 21 January 2022, organised by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and co-organised by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)...

Event Details

Friday, 21 January 2022, 16:00 - 18:30 (JST) (GMT+9)


English / Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation will be available except for the Breakout session)

Naoyuki OKANO (Dr.) [email protected] / Miyako Culshaw-Ishii (Ms.) [email protected]

Presentation Materials


Opening Remarks and Explanation of the Purpose of the Meeting
Genichiro TSUKADA, Director of Climate Change Adaptation Office, Ministry of the Environment Japan (MOEJ)
1st session
Introduction for Session 1 - Introduction of the AP-PLAT Capacity Development Component
Osamu MIZUNO, Programme Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Launch and Introduction of the AP-PLAT e-Learning course: Building resilience to compound and cascading disaster risks
Binaya Raj SHIVAKOTI, Senior Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Keynote Speech:
Compound and Cascading Risks: Reflections from Down Under
Akhilesh SURJAN, Associate Professor, Research & Theme Leader, Humanitarian, Emergency and Disaster Management Studies, Charles Darwin University
Presentation 1:
Scoping study on Compound, Cascading and Systemic Risk in the Asia-Pacific (AP-STAG)
Rajib SHAW, Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
Presentation 2:
International Policy Developments in Response to Compound and Cascading Risks: A Focus on Systemic Risks in UNDRR
Jenty KIRSCH-WOOD, Head, Global Risk Management and Reporting, UNDRR
2nd session
Introduction of Session 2:
Akane MATSUO, Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Presentation 1:
Transboundary climate impacts on Europe: Early insights from CASCADES
Christopher REYER, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Research Department 2: Climate Resilience
Presentation 2:
Implementing the DRR-CCA Integration Through the Idea of Adaptive Governance
Indrajit PAL, Associate Professor and Chair, AIT School of Engineering and Technology
Presentation 3:
Weather and Climate Service with Cutting-Edge Technologies for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Shoichi TATENO, Section leader, Public Private Partnership, Data Strategy & Corporate Development Initiative, Sustainability Committee, Weathernews Inc.
Presentation 4:
Global Outreach of Entertaining Disaster Prevention Education from Japan
Hirokazu NAGATA, Chief Director, +arts (NPO)
Breakout Sessions
We divide the audience into three breakout groups to discuss the following topics:
  • Their experience and views on compound and cascading disaster risks
  • How to use this e-learning material
  • What kinds of capacity development tools are needed in the future on AP-PLAT

Moderators for each break out sessions are:
Naoyuki OKANO, Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Report from Breakout Sessions
Commentator: Christopher REYER - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Akane MATSUO, Moderator
Closing Remarks
Yasuo TAKAHASHI, Executive Director, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Recorded Video