Naomi HORI

Former Staff (from Jul 2008 - Mar 2010 )
Results 1 to 9 of 9 (Sorted by date)
Commissioned Report
The Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment is a 10-year programme aimed at achieving improvement in the urban environment by building the capacities of local governments in urban environmental management through fostering information exchange, dissemination of case studies and analysis of successful practices to support their replication, as...
Policy Report
Kitakyushu Initiative for a Clean Environment
本事業はマカッサル市にスラバヤ市で成功した住民参加による廃棄物管理モデルを移転し、同市の廃棄物発生量削減に貢献することを目標としている。そのため、本調査は事前に現地に赴き、同市のプロジェクト実施体制がどの程度できているか、利用可能な既存インフラがどの程度あるか、また廃棄物管理計画はどのようになっているかなどを確認し、実施計画を策定するために行う。 それと併行し、マカッサル市以外にも環境保全に熱心な4都市を選定し、同様にスラバヤ市の廃棄物管理モデルの移転可能性について現地調査する。そしてこの5都市を対象としたプロジェクト全体をペサマス(PESAMAS、住民主体のコンポスト化推進)事業と名付けることとする。
Conference Proceeding
Kitakyushu Initiative Workshop
Urbanization, population growth and economic development are considered the main driving forces of solid waste management (SWM) issues in Asia and the Pacific region. These factors all together influence consumption rates that lead to accelerate waste generation and change waste components. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission in Asia...
Conference Proceeding
Kitakyushu Initiative Workshop
In Surabaya City, Indonesia, household organic waste composting has been widely practiced in communities. The city government, through the support of several private companies and local NGOs, have adopted the Takakura method that utilises baskets for household composting. This methodology was developed by Pusdakota, a local NGO, in 2004, with...
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