- Bilingual English/Japanese
Date: Jan. 20, 2017 Mumbai, India

The “Training of Trainers’ workshop to promote the dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India” was organized on January 20, 2017, at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Pune. It was a part of the activities conducted in India in FY2016 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which is a project funded by the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and commissioned to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Participants were mainly energy managers from industry, energy auditors from auditing firms, government organization and ESCO organizations, participated in the TOT workshop.
The primary objective of the workshop was to enhance the capacity and the awareness of Indian energy auditors on technologies and Best Operating Practices (BOP) related to compressed air system. Moreover, it was opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions about how to promote JITMAP in general and on what information/knowledge should be shared online.
It became a significant opportunity to build capacity of energy managers & energy auditors through intensive technical and interaction sessions. The workshop ended with success and a commitment to conduct more of such TOT workshops in the future.
- Bilingual English/Japanese
Date: Jan. 20, 2017 Mumbai, India