Training Module on Guidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lanka (English)

Training or Learning Material
Training Module

This training module was developed as a supplementary training and learning resource for the “Guidelines for Safe Closure and Rehabilitation of Municipal Solid Waste Dumpsites in Sri Lanka,” published by the Ministry of Environment, Sri Lanka. The training Module was designed under the guidance of the Secretary, Director, Assistant Director and staff of the Environmental Pollution Control & Chemical Management, Division of the Ministry of Environment, and also IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET), United Nations Environment Program - International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP-IETC), and Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ). It draws on information from a number of publications, including the National Solid Waste Management Support Center (NSWMSC), Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Council, Central Environmental Authority (CEA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), National Building and Research Organization (NBRO), University of Moratuwa, Waste Management Authority (WP), University of Peradeniya, as well as other publications by individuals and publishers, all of which we would like to acknowledge here for enriching our understanding on the subject.

This training module is aimed at raising the level of understanding, for users, of the concepts and guidance given in the “Guidelines” mentioned above, with the hopes that it will play an instrumental role as a tool in developing training and awareness programs on MSW dumpsite risk assessment, rehabilitation, and safe closure.
