Manual for the Training Workshop on "Timbers Drying by Using a Low-Cost Timber Drying Kiln"

Training or Learning Material
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Although there are increased numbers of smallholder teak producers in Luang Prabang Province who are processing timbers e.g. sawing wood and producing furniture products, the quality of these products is very low. The poor quality of these products is associated with mainly timber drying to meet an equivalent moisture content (EMC). Local small furniture producers are struggle with having such good quality of drying operations due to a lack of appropriate drying facility and affordable drying option. This obstacle requires financial supports to facilitate smallholder teak producers to improve their processing and producing better teak products.

Thus, with financial support of the Australian Government through the Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT-3) partnership for project in Lao PDR, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in cooperation with National University of Laos (NUOL) built a low-cost timber drying kiln for involved smallholder teak producers in Ban Kokghiew in Luang Prabang District in 2016, with guidance on kiln design and use being provided by an expert (Dr. Songklod Jarusombuti) of Kasetsart University, Thailand. The project team developed the training programme on “Timber Drying by Using a Low-Cost Timber Drying Kiln” for four smallholder teak producers: Ban Kokghiew, Ban Xieng Lom, Ban Lak Sip and Ban Ann in Luang Prabang District, Luang Prabang Province. The trainings run for 6 days from 13-17 February 2017.

This manual for the training workshop on “Timbers Drying by Using a Low-Cost Timber Drying Kiln” is designed to support smallholder teak producers of Luang Prabang District in learning to how to use the low-cost timber drying kiln for improving their dried timbers. The manual has been developed by NUOL and IGES. We hope that this manual provides useful and clear guidance for trainers. 
