[DAISY] GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific (text only DAISY3, zip file) IGES is proud to provide GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific in DAISY format. DAISY enables accessibility of information to all, including people with print disabilities. This DAISY file was created by persons with disabilities and the support of the Assistive Technology...
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In Global Environmental Outlook for Youth Asia and the Pacific
The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) for Youth Asia and the Pacific is an international publication on the environment for youth, by youth, of youth. It is coordinated by UN Environment. Chapter 5 concludes the report by highlighting youth action for a better future, including a specific survey conducted for this report of youth, for youth and by...
In Global Environmental Outlook for Youth Asia and the Pacific
The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) for Youth Asia and the Pacific is an international publication on the environment for youth, by youth, of youth. It is coordinated by UN Environment. Chapter 4 addresses the natural and built environments, outlining options for a resilient and sustainable future.
In Global Environmental Outlook for Youth Asia and the Pacific
The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) for Youth Asia and the Pacific is an international publication on the environment for youth, by youth, of youth. It is coordinated by UN Environment. Chapter 3 explores emerging issues of air and water pollution, food security and the effects of mismanaged waste on human well-being. This chapter advocates a...
The Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) for Youth Asia and the Pacific is an international publication on the environment for youth, by youth, of youth. It is coordinated by UN Environment.
In GEO-6 Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific
• The emergence of multiple global environmental goals clearly signals a need to reverse the trend of deteriorating environmental conditions across the region. Despite some deficiencies, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been successful in showing the effectiveness of a goal-based approach to problem solving. • New or revised agreements...
In GEO-6: Regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific
As with past Global Environment Outlooks (GEOs), once the current state of the environment and policy response is assessed, it is important to look at possible policy pathways to a more sustainable future. With recent developments at the international level in late 2015, namely the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris...
In GEO-6: Regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific
Land degradation has been intensified over most of the region, with consequent displacement of indigenous people, loss of biodiversity, and reduction in important forest products. Land degradation has additional implications for water resources in terms of soil water content and groundwater recharge. The total forest area has increased in some...
In GEO-6: Regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific
Asia and the Pacific countries are increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy environment for the sustainable development of their economies and societies. However, accelerating environmental degradation and natural resource depletion are undermining the region’s potential to achieve this ambition. The region’s great diversity offers an...
The GEO-6 Asia and the Pacific Regional Assessment is based on scientific review of critical environmental trends identified by member states and stakeholders at the Regional Enviromental Informaton Network( REIN) Conference held in Bangkok, 27-28 April 2015. The First Forum of Ministers and Environment Authorities of Asia and the Pacific, held...