7th ASIA-PACIFIC CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION FORUM - Enabling Resilience for All: The Critical Decade to Scale-up Action


IGES will participate in the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) as a Forum Session Partner, to be held from March 8 to 12.

This Forum, held virtually under the theme “Enabling Resilience for All: The Critical Decade to Scale-up Action”, will share learnings from actions towards climate-resilient development. Hosted by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MoEJ), Government of Japan, together with the APAN Secretariat at UNEP, the Forum is the largest gathering of adaptation practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region. It aims to formulate a set of recommendations on how to magnify current efforts on adaptation in the Asia-Pacific and provide the basis for the region’s contributions to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, United Kingdom and the 2021 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in Kunming, China.

With Japan as the host country, IGES is providing operational support to the Forum with the Ministry of the Environment Japan. In addition to co-organising the following three sessions, IGES will also present commitments for future adaptation efforts based on discussions at the APAN Forum during the High Level Closing Session on 12 March, together with other partner organisations.

9 March, 13:15 – 14:45 JST
Collaborating Efforts to Strengthening Cities Resilience to Climate and Disaster Risks
This virtual session will provide information and facilitate discussions on key challenges and issues for cities in Asia and the Pacific which are vulnerable to climate disasters. The objective of the session is to provide a platform to discuss opportunities, share experiences and best practices in capacity building, raise awareness and promote disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation through relevant systems, policies, and processes.

10 March, 16:00-17:30 JST
Status and challenges for linking scientific knowledge to strengthening socio-economic resilience to climate-related disasters
The objective of this session, based on the latest scientific knowledge and assessments, is to deepen discussions among multiple sectors and try to identify areas for cooperation to promote synergies between Climate Action (CA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The session will further discuss how the science-based information can be shared and utilized within the context of socio-economic resilience in the Asia-Pacific region.

11 March, 18:30 – 20:00 JST
Filling the Adaptation Gap
Two flagship reports on adaptation were published recently. UNEP published the “Adaptation Gap Report 2020”, and GCA published “State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2020”. These efforts give a good overview of ongoing adaptation efforts, remaining gaps, and available options to fill the gaps. This session will discuss options for narrowing the adaptation gap, and present strategies and plans for a wide range of stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific to work together to strengthen the adaptive capacity through the 
recently established platform, AP-PLAT.

For more information on the side events organised by IGES and how to register, please visit the following page.

For more information on the 7th Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum, please click here.

About APAN
The Asia-Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), developed and launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2009 under the Global Adaptation Network (GAN), is the first regional adaptation network that strives to equip adaptation actors in the region with knowledge for designing and implementing adaptation measures, building capacity to access technologies and finance, and integrating climate change adaptation into policies, strategies, and plans towards building climate change resilient and sustainable human systems, ecosystems, and economies. IGES has been supporting APAN's activities as a regional hub since 2010. 

About APAN Forum
The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum is the flagship event of the APAN Network and is the primary regional platform for adaptation practitioners to meet, share their learning and experiences, and work together towards the pertinent outcomes and practical solutions that are needed to address the challenges of climate change. Since the first event in 2010, the APAN Forum has grown to become the venue for scientists, donors, youth, and representatives from over 50 countries to meet, converse, and work together for adaptation action partnerships.