Seminar on City-to-City Collaboration for Zero Carbon Society

26 February 2024, 10:00-11:30 JST
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Cities currently account for 70% of global greenhouse gases and energy consumption. In order to achieve a carbon neutral society, cities must accelerate the transition to a decarbonised society that is suited to the characteristics of each city, and through learning and collaboration among cities, it is possible to quickly derive solutions that are appropriate for each city. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) has been supporting such efforts since 2013 through the "City-to-City Collaboration for Zero Carbon Society (C3P)".
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the C3P, cities participating in C3P the project shared the significance of the decarbonization transition in light of recent international trends and concrete measures in this seminar, and aimed to build momentum for the expansion and horizontal deployment of integrated climate action at the city level.

*This seminar is an event of the "Climate Change and Zero Carbon City Week".

Event Details

26 February 2024, 10:00-11:30 JST
Japanese / English
(Simultaneous interpretation)
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IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre
Ms. Akagi, Ms. Horizono
[email protected]

Presentation Materials

10:00Opening remarksTetsuya Yagi, State Minister of the Environment, Japan 
Photo session  
  10:10Keynote speechKazuhiko Takemono, Chair, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) CouncilPDF (953KB)
Speakers from municipalitiesModerator: Yatsuka Kataoka, Programme Director, City Taskforce, IGES 
Claudio Castro, Mayor, Municipality of Renca (Chile)PDF (1.8MB)
Norman Harvey Ngiratecheboet, Governor, Airai State Government (Palau)PDF (2.5MB)
Hideki Tanaka, Deputy Governor, Ehime Prefecture (Japan)PDF (3.4MB)
Sofian Ibrahim, Regional Secretary, Gorontalo Province (Indonesia)PDF (2.7MB)
Kamisah Binti Mohd Ghazali, Senior Vice President, Resilient Environment, Iskandar Malaysia (Malaysia)PDF (3.0MB)
Toru Hashimoto, Director General of International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama (Japan)PDF (3.2MB)

Recorded Video