COP28 Japan Pavilion Side Event

IIASA-JAPAN Joint Project on Cities

1 December, 2023 10:30-11:45 (UAE) / 15:30-16:45 (JST)
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Ministry of the Environment has contributed to IIASA in the past and has conducted joint research on environmental issues.

This year, the IPCC just started its 7th assessment cycle and is scheduled to prepare and publish a "Special Report on Cities and Climate Change".

The Ministry of the Environment has been promoting initiatives on city and demand side, including leading decarbonization areas in Japan and city-to-city coraboration projects as international cooperation, and it is important to contribute to the decarbonization of the global urban sector by appropriately reflecting the advanced examples of such initiatives and results in the scientific findings of the IPCC.

To this end, IIASA and Ministry of the Environment have launched a joint project on cities this year, taking advantage of their cooperative relationship.

Ministry of the Environment and IIASA serve as the secretariat for the PJ, and authors from both sides are selected to hold the authors' meetings. The PJ also includes the participation of the IPCC Vice-Chair and  Co-Chairs of AR6/AR7 WG2 as members of the PJ, with a view to providing input to the IPCC AR7 Special Report on Cities.

The results of this year's research will be summarized in a workshop in Tokyo in February 2024, and a seminar open to the public will be held.

Event Details

1 December, 2023 10:30-11:45 (UAE) / 15:30-16:45 (JST)

Japan Pavilion at UNFCCC COP28 venue in Dubai, UAE


Presentation Materials



Opening Remark
10:30-10:35 (UAE) / 15:30-15:35 (JST)     Yoshihiro MIZUTANI Director for International Cooperation for Transition to Decarbonization and Sustainable Infrastructure, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment 
Perspect on IPCC AR7 cycle / Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
10:35-10:50 (UAE) / 15:35-15:50 (JST)Winston Chow IPCC WG2 Co-chairPDF (3.6MB)
IIASA-Japan Research Project on City Transformation
10:50-11:05 (UAE) / 15:50-16:05  (JST)  Leila Niamir Research Scholar,  Climate and Environment (ECE) Program, IIASA PDF (1.0MB)
Panel Discussion 
Moderator: Kazuhiko TAKEMOTO President, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Centre (OECC) , Japan    
11:05-11:45 (UAE) / 16:05-16:45 (JST)Yoshiki YAMAGATAProfessor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio UniversityPDF (129KB)
Eric Zusman  Research Leader, IGESPDF (1.0MB)
Keywan Riahi Director ,Energy, Climate and Environment (ECE) Program, IIASA   
Winston Chow IPCC WG2 Co-chair 
Leila NiamirResearch Scholar,  Climate and Environment (ECE) Program, IIASA  

Recorded Video