On 15-16 December 2022, the Leveraging a Climate-neutral Society – Strategic Research Network (LCS-RNet) organised its 13th annual meeting, inviting several prominent experts and researchers involved in IPCC AR6 WGIII. This annual meeting set “New Scientific Challenges for Strengthening Actions Based on IPCC AR6” as an overarching theme,discussed how to trigger transitions and how to bridge science with actions. The annual meeting also featured four thematic themes - decarbonisation in agriculture and forestry, energy and food security, challenges in heavy industries, and a comparative study on zero-carbon cities in France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the UK.
Event Details
Presentation Materials
Day 1: Thursday, 15 December 2022, 18:00- 21:00 (GMT+09:00) |
18:00-18:40 |
Opening remarks: TSUKADA Gen’ichiro, Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) |
Opening Plenary 1: |
Keynote presentation 1 |
Franck Lecocq, AgroParisTech / International Research Center on Environment and Development (CIRED) |
18:50-19:50 |
Session 1: |
PDF (253KB) | |
Presentations |
Francesco Tubiello, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) |
Karina Larsen, Climate Technology Centre &Network (CTCN) | |||
Panel discussion |
Bruno Dorin, International research center on Agronomy and Development (CIRAD) |
PDF (966KB) | |
SAIGUSA Nobuko, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) | PDF (471KB) | ||
20:00-21:00 |
Session 2: |
Presentations |
Mike Bradshaw, UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)/ Warwick Business School (on Energy) |
Rizaldi Boer, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (on Food) | |||
Panel discussion |
Rob Gross, UKERC/Imperial College London |
HASEGAWA Tomoko, Ritsumeikan University | |||
Marie de Lattre-Gasquet, International research center on Agronomy and Development (CIRAD) | |||
Day 2: Friday, 16 December, 2022, 18:00- 21:00 (GMT+09:00) |
18:00-18:40 |
Opening Plenary: |
Keynote presentation 2 |
Michael Grubb, University College London (UCL) |
PDF (2.0MB) | |
18:50-19:50 |
Session 3: |
Presentations | Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Wuppertal Institute | ||
Mercedes Maroto-Valer, UKERC/Heriot-Watt University | |||
Panel discussion | Akihisa Kuriyama, IGES | ||
Jean-Charles Hourcade, CIRED | |||
Hilton Trollip, University of Cape Town | |||
20:00-21:00 |
Session 4: |
Presentations | Jan Webb, UKERC/The University of Edinburgh | PDF (917KB) | |
Marion Gonzales, Sustainable city by France | PDF (1.1MB) | ||
Isabelle Dennieau, Sustainable city by France | PDF (1.0MB) | ||
Carolina.Innella, ENEA | PDF (718KB) | ||
ASAKAWA Kenji, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) | PDF (340KB) |